Stephanie Valenzuela pronounces after the strong feminicides that occurred in Peru [FOTO]


04 July 2018 9:15.

Stephanie Valenzuela is aware of everything happening in our country. Thus, thanks to his Instagram account, the model sent a message of reflection on the wave of femicides that occurs in Peru.

In addition, the old "daughter of reality" made a strong appeal to all public figures of our country. The beautiful Arequipa asked his companions to use the arrival that they have in their disciples to make a change.

"# Niunamenos? We are a country with one of the highest rates of feminicide and where women are beaten, killed and burned every day and the authorities do nothing." The laws do not change in our favor, and much as we would like, we can not change them, "says Stephanie Valenzuela's long message .

"From my networks I can not be indifferent, I know that some public figures prefer not to pronounce on this business for fear of criticism, but it is time that we use our followers for more than gaining auspices and Fame".

In addition, Stephanie Valenzuela asked to make a change in the education of our country. "Today I can ask you to start changing, each of us to educate ours so that no violence is allowed, so that they do not abuse, or leave themselves alone. mistreat (whether they are men, women or children), "he commented. ]

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