Stephanie Valenzuela responds after being accused of racism on Instagram


Stephanie Valenzuela responds after being accused of racism on Instagram "onerror =" imgErrorNota (this); "/>

Stephanie Valenzuela (Photo: Instagram)

After her arrival on the Peruvian soil, ] Stephanie Valenzuela was confronted with harsh comments after being accused of being racist, following posting a photo on his Instagram account.

What happened? Ex-partner Mario Irivarren shared a photo on the social network with his nephew Derek.

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"In love with my nephew Derek … practicing for my godson Valentino and my future Stefano if I've ever … how can I look like a godmother? "wrote the model.

" If it was a boy with roots Andine or a black boy, what would you wear? All because he is a blond-haired gringo, that's why he is in another country. "

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Stephanie did not sit back and sent a strong comment. "Look at my pictures in Africa I'm wearing a nice little black baby and maybe to be that mine is like that Why are people so conscious? I will never understand and if my nephew is white or not, it is not the problem, because that is my blood. and I want it of whatever color, "he writes.

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