Stephanie Valenzuela would have finished with her millionaire boyfriend | Photo 1 of 3 | Ampay


HELLO, MY BARRUNTO . .. I arrive embaladita to tell you the last gossip of Chollywood …

ALEXANDRA MENDEZ, LA CHAMA, said that she was surprised to see that the footballer JEFFERSON FARFÁN has blocked him from Instagram and up to now, he does not know why. Asuuu …

I pass the heel that ALONDRA GARCÍA exchange messages, through social networks, with LARISITA, ex-partner and mother of the son of PAOLO GUERRERO. What's Open Mind & # 39; …!

A propo, the & # 39; FOX ZUPE & # 39; revealed that the current couple of 'Predator & # 39 ;, THAÍSA LEAL is a very industrious woman in the & # 39; who has with the footballer …

The new heart of ALEJANDRA BAIGORRIA would call Arturo and is also a fan of sports. Provecho …

The model STEPHANIE VALENZUELA slipped, in her networks, that she would have finished with her millionaire boyfriend, as she shared a picture and put the caption: "Sometimes better alone than badly accompanied. What do you think …?

We escape because my love wants me to give him my hot chocolate … Suuuaaaveee.


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