Stephen King and Ted Cruz in Twitter Feud on limousines and axes


Horror novelist Stephen King and Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) exchange beards on Twitter after the author called on Texas to vote his younger senator in November.

The battle began Tuesday offered a warm endorsement to Cruz's rival, Rep. Beto O 'Rourke (D-Texas):

Cruz replied Wednesday with a post referring to several characters King:

The line "Here & # 39; s Johnny" which Cruz is talking about is not actually King . It does not appear in The Shining's novel but rather in Stanley Kubrick's film, which the author hated.

King dropped that one – but the motorcycle enthusiast was not going to let the limo dig believing by:

In addition, his 1981 novel Cujo – which Cruz referred to – was inspired by a motorcycle incident in 1977.

He took his bike to a mechanic, and was greeted by a grumbling Saint Bernard .

"And I recoiled, and wishing I was not on my motorcycle, when the guy said," Do not worry. He does not bite. Then I reached out to pet him, and the dog started to leave for me. And the guy approached and said "Down Gonzo", or whatever the dog's name, and gave him that huge slap on the rump, and the dog slipped and s & # 39; Is seated. The guy said, "Gonzo has never done that before. I guess he does not like your face. "

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