Suffers 12 children underground nightmare [Internacional] – 05/07/2018


Mae Sai, Thailand .- The 12 children and their football coach trapped in a cave in Thailand enjoy "good health" but are unlikely to be evacuated as soon as possible possible. Rescuers are trying to reduce the level of water before the rains scheduled for Friday.

The governor of Chiang Rai Province, Narongsak Osottanakorn, who heads the relief team, said that an evacuation at this time would be "difficult". ", Since the water level is high despite the important pumping system installed.

Through this system" the water falls an inch per hour, which is not not bad considering the size of the cave. "19659002]" It will be difficult to evacuate them ", and he refused to speculate on the date of the evacuation." We must be 100% sure "at the moment to decide on the evacuation, which could be done in several groups of children ".

The operation will be complicated and rescuers have already warned that they would not rush to do so, as the return path travels several kilometers through narrow areas and difficult steps under the roof. ;water.

Safe, for now

The Thai Navy released a new children's video on Wednesday. "After eating, all were examined by a military doctor," said the Navy, without specifying, for the moment, which day they could be evacuated.

In this video, recorded on Tuesday, 11 children seem to be shaking, saying their names and then "I am in good health". The Navy did not explain why the 12-year-old did not record the message nor the coach, 25-year-old.

They have already started training to dive and this first confirmation of their good health suggests a relatively close evacuation. 19659002] "I'm so happy," reacts, crying, the mother of one of the boys, Bew, when he saw the video, projected by the rescuers on a screen under a shop, not far from the # Entrance to the cave, where Families expect their children to be evacuated.

"He is skinny," he notes, however, after seeing his son's message

At nightfall, a famous monk was allowed to cross the border. entrance to the cave. Surrounded by members of the children's families, he prayed for the end of his suffering.

The children, aged 11 to 16, were found Monday night with their trainer by British divers who participated in this great international operation, "safe and sound", more than four kilometers away. inside the gallery.

The group was concentrated on a ledge located in the meanders of the cave, located on the border with Burma and Laos, where they were trapped by the rising waters.

Cake Waiting

The Pheeraphat family keeps a birthday cake in the refrigerator while waiting for the return of this child who has been locked in the cave for more than 10 days

refrigerator I'm keeping him here to surprise him "when he comes back," says Phunphatsa Sompiengjai, the teenage sister's sister, nicknamed "Night," who turned 16 on June 23.

After days without news, Pheeraphat and his 11 companions with his football coach were found Monday night several kilometers deep in the cave, beyond a flooded area.

His mother, Supaluk, who feared never to hear the voice again. his son, was delighted to see a video recorded in the cave and released Wednesday by the rescuers on a big screen.

"I saw him, he's the boy in the red and white shirt, he says, 'Hi, I'm at night, I'm fine,' said his mother.

"It comforts me to know that it is safe, but I will feel better when I leave the cave."

The evacuation is announced as complex, with long diving periods, and rescuers still struggle to try to lower the water level.


Pheeraphat joined the Wild Boar football team about a year ago as a goalkeeper, says his family

On June 23, Pheeraphat left to train as usual with his friends and then had to go home to birthday family

The family waited hours, very worried, before calling the friends of the child and their parents.

Among the assumptions cited, it was a safe bet that they had I went to Tham Luang cave after training, for some unknown reason.

Pheeraphat's family wonders if the team would not have gone to celebrate the anniversary. They say the kids picked up some candy and that they may have wanted to blow the candles in that cave that they knew.

The fear of the family was confirmed by the shoes and backpacks of children at the entrance to the cave. (With information from the AFP / BBC Mundo)

Under the Water

"They were found in a small area more than 2 kilometers from the island. entrance and at a depth of between 800 meters and one kilometer. The big problem is that the place where they were found was isolated from the entrance by several areas that were flooded during the heavy rains of recent days.


"A large part of the rescue effort is focused on evacuating the water from the cave and that is why the rescue can take weeks or even months.

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