SUNAT: The hotel sector and restaurants will have to issue electronic invoices from 1 August | Economy


Warning! As of August 1st this year, more than 20,000 new taxpayers, mainly from the hotel and restaurant sector, will be forced to use the electronic billing system which facilitates the respect of their tax obligations.

This was announced today by the National Superintendent of Customs and Tax Administration ( Sunat ), institution which directs the overcrowding of electronic invoices and ballots in the country

PUEDES SEE Collection increased by 26.4% with the help of the rise of the ISC

What you need to know

First, is it one of the conditions for these taxpayers are required to issue electronic vouchers is that until December 2016 have revenues greater than or equal to S / 622,500 per year (150 ITUs).

Secondly, if the supplier of a service or necessary to issue electronic good issues a physical, this will have no fiscal validity for both the issuer and for l & # 39; buyer. Enter the module: to check the requirement by entering the provider's RUC.


In case of non-compliance with the provisions of Sunat the penalty could cost S / 3,600 (1UIT) or the closure of the establishment during 100 days.

In the event that a receipt from electronic payment is not issued, a taxpayer obliged, the penalty may rise up to 50% of the time. ITU or up to 10 days, depending on the tax regime of the taxpayer. In both cases, the sanction is applied for each audit and is effective according to the criteria of gradualness in force.

It is expected that by the end of the year, more than 250,000 electronic systems of emission will be incorporated. taxpayers, who will make about 80% of the total sales that are made across the country.

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