Suspect in Austin shootings related to fatal shooting 2 days earlier, police say


Police in Austin, Texas, states that a suspect arrested in connection with a shootout on Wednesday is the same gunman who shot dead a man in an apartment complex two days ago.

Police arrested Charles Curry Wednesday the South Side apartment complex after reporting it to reports of a man who shot two women while he was driving a Chevy Tahoe White, reports FOX 7.

Investigators later linked Curry to the death of 32-year-old Christian Meroney. the corridor of the Curry apartments complex, police said. The police added that the two men did not know each other and that no reason was known, adds the police.

I think it's weird that it goes from Monday to Wednesday, when he killed more people. , said Austin KXAN-TV. "And, he lived in the apartment complex where there was a murder and no one found it."

"I think it's weird that it happened Monday to Wednesday when he killed more people."

– Sarah Houston, neighbor of the shooting suspect

Curry had tried to Buying a suppressor rifle Wednesday afternoon, but was pushed back to "act strangely", KXAN reported, citing an affidavit.

After leaving the store in a Chevrolet Tahoe, Curry reportedly shot a woman who was in her car with three children, according to the report. The woman suffered a non-fatal injury to the head, according to the report.

About 30 minutes later, Curry shot another woman while driving, KXAN reported. The wounds of the woman were not fatal.

Police said the shooting appeared to be "completely random".

Curry was arrested around 6 pm trying to get into his apartment. His key would have been disabled.

He was charged with aggravated assault. According to the KXAN, [traduction]

According to the Lexington Herald-Leader, Mr. Curry is from Lexington and was held in Travis County Jail on a $ 3 million bond. He moved to Austin in 2016 to work in politics, but was "hired and fired by three different offices," according to KXAN.

Bradford Betz is a publisher for Fox News. Follow him on Twitter @bradford_betz.

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