Term to buy shares of the energy group of Bogotá


This July 18 the deadline for citizens to buy the mayor of Bogotá, shares held in the Grupo de Energía de Bogotá in the middle of the second phase of the disposal process that began on July 4th.

In this process, the district administration put up for sale 20% of the titles it owns from the company, that is to say that Colombians could acquire more than 1 400 million shares which were put up for sale with a minimum price of 2 018 pesos

The minimum sales and per buyer base was established in 5,000 shares by order which represents an investment of 10 million pesos minimum

With the sales process will reach the coffers of the District, near 3.7 billion pesos that would be intended for the improvement of the infrastructure of the capital of the Republic

The Bogota City Council holds a 76% stake in the company, which holds a broad portfolio in transport activities, distribution and generation of electricity, as well as investments in the natural gas. in distribution as in transport at national and international level.

For the stock market, the stock price of the Bogotá energy group on the Colombian stock exchange could end up worthwhile In addition, those who acquire the securities will receive the dividends that the company will deliver in October, for which 57 pesos will be paid for each share.

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