Thailand: 8 of 12 children are saved from the cave. All that is known up here | Photo 1 of 5 | World


A tragedy shook the world in Thailand . A group of miners with their teacher was found in a cave, trapped by floods in the area.

Here we detail all the information of the case of the children of Thailand trapped in a cave, which mobilizes the whole world for its rescue.


Monday, July 9 – 8 children are saved from the cave

Although rescue operations had to be suspended the day before because all available oxygen was used, none of the children or their guardian was in danger. Now, it's only a matter of time before they leave the cave.

The fifth child saved from the cave was moved on a stretcher for his future medical evaluation. The sixth and seventh children were also transferred to a stretcher and were first followed by expert divers before being sent to the hospital. Until then, the previous five were safe at the hospital.

The eighth and last child of today 's rescue operation was also to go on a stretcher. Until now, no names have been revealed of those saved out of respect for the parents of children who are still inside the cave. No children met his parents.

In this way, rescue operations were suspended until the next day, but not before assuring the media that the remaining five people in the cave are stable and, if the rains do not play badly they will come out very soon from the cave. Navy SEAL of Thailand updated his [Facebook] [19459004official with the list of rescued children:

Sunday, July 8 – Beginning of the rescue operation

] The rescue operations of Thailand began an operation to start taking the children, one by one, out of the cave. The plan is for two experienced divers to guide the children through the cave to the exit:

Approximately, in the last days In total, 128 million liters of Water was pumped so that the 12 children and their 25-year-old football teacher could leave easily and quickly. However, constant rains have complicated operations, until now.

A group of rescuers belonging to Navy SEAL from Thailand joined another group of foreign divers for rescue. This group posted a picture full of hope on its official page of Facebook demonstrating the union and hope that they must make the children safe and sound.

After more than 9 am since the divers arrived, the rescue of four of the twelve children trapped was confirmed, and they were quickly transferred to the nearest hospital by a local ambulance. They started to leave two out of two, each accompanied by a team of experienced divers.

Contrary to what we thought at the beginning, this operation advanced fairly quickly. At the end of the day, 4 children were stable in a hospital in Thailand and the other children with their teacher were in a safe area of ​​the cave. UNICEF celebrated the rescue of the first four children, starting a new program to teach children in the Asian country how to swim:

What's happened he passed?

According to official information, the 23 June 2018 a group of 12 children footballers with their coach in the province of Chiang Rai Thailand cycled at the cave complex Tham Luang under the mountain Doi Nang No.

This happened after a football practice, and the caves are a well-known tourist attraction in the area. Despite the warning not to enter the rainy seasons, the feeling of adventure was stronger than the reason and they entered the caves.

Torrential rains fell, and they flooded the caves little by little, leaving the young and their teacher about two kilometers from the entrance and one kilometer deep, without being able to do more than wait for a rescue.

The Children's Reunion:

A team of three British divers, who were part of an operation to retrieve the lost group, swam among the narrow canals of the caves in the hope of finding their way back. find a clue. To their surprise, July 2, 2018 they were found unharmed.

Food, clothing and other relief items were quickly provided while the team was preparing for their rescue. In addition, the parents of the children were informed that they had finally found them.

The news spread quickly around the world, becoming a global trend, and hundreds of rescuers from across the country and other countries joined this emergency group to get them out of there. . However, the situation is more difficult than you think.

What are the plans for taking children out of there?

What seemed like a complicated but possible task turned into a fight against the clock to save 12 children and their coach 25 years. Here are the plans that have been proposed to suppress them:

1. Wait until the water falls: it is the most viable option and with which the rescue team is currently working. It is expected to wait in the coming days as the water level drops and to be able to take the children with diving masks in a minimum of time.

However, the rain forecast played against this plan, and the use of pumps that were implemented by Japanese engineers are not sufficient to drain the cave water in time.

2. Teaching Kids to dive: What for a moment seemed to be the main option, was quickly dismissed by a recent tragic event. This idea was to teach children to dive and take them out with tanks of oxygen and masks.

Unfortunately, none of the children of 12 and 15 years can swim. In addition, after several days, your muscles are atrophied and lack energy. An experienced diver needs 11 am to make the difficult and narrow journey back and forth: 6 hours round trip or by the current.

3. Evacuation Through a Vertical Well: Rescuers search in every square meter of the top of the mountain for a place that is connected to the place where the group of children is trapped.

This option is rejected every minute because A bad piercing could bury those inside the cave, but the rescue group is still looking for a connection between the wells.

4. Send a child: rescuers also explored the possibility of taking one by one. The governor of the region commented that on other occasions this technique was used to send a child volunteer so that the rescuers teach by pictures to the group that it is possible to arrive at the end .

Up to now, there has been more talk of this possibility, but it is very risky because of the complexity and narrow that is the path of the cave.

The Fight Against Two Titans: Mother Nature and Time

Apakorn Yookongkaew Commanding Officer Marina of Thailand commented that "At the beginning, we thought that children could spend a lot of time inside the caves: providing food and other items, they could survive for months. But the harsh reality is that it's a battle against time.

According to the forecast of rains, the situation would only worsen in the days to come as much for the rescuers as for the children. Elon Musk the multimillionaire founder of Tesla and SpaceX announced that he would be sending a team of engineers to assist with the rescue task. a tragedy has rocked the entire world, demonstrating how difficult the situation is and that even in the action of carrying supplies, the life of the lifeguards is in danger.

Saman Kunan, the diver who died in the rescue task:

A former member of SEAL joined the rescue efforts after hearing the sad news that a group of Children was trapped in a cave in Thailand . He knew that it was a risky task, but gave his life to give these boys a chance.

Last Thursday On July 5 Saman Kunan died on the way back from the cave, after taking oxygen tanks where the trapped tanks were located

"After delivering a supply of oxygen, on the way home he had not enough to endure" commented on the vice-president of the province of Chiang Rai Passakorn Boonyaluck.

"He lost consciousness on the way home, a diving partner tried to help him and take him" commented the commander of the Navy commandos Apakorn Yookongkaew . "Even if we have lost a man, we still have faith in our mission" concludes his speech.

Anything could end in a catastrophe:

The death of a former naval member of Thailand showed that one of the main ideas for saving children from the cave was unachievable, Said Raphael Aroush an Israeli rescue diver who is also part of the operation:

"To go out diving is too risky. A Navy Seal just died last night. Imagine what it would be for a 12 year old boy " commented at the agency Reuters This diver has been living in the country of Southeast Asia for several decades , and had already traveled the caves 23 years before : the road is very narrow, a lot of water and practically a blind dive.

If all this is compounded by the fact that the children can not swim and have muscles atrophied by the confinement of the cave, the result could be a disaster, concluded the experienced diver Aroush.

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