Thailand: Children trapped in a cave in danger due to a shortage of oxygen | Trade | World | Asia


Lifeguards trying to help a young football team trapped in a cave at Thailand suffered a discouraging loss with the death for lack of oxygen from an old element of a special force of the Navy who plowed

Authorities run against time, as the weather threatens to worsen and oxygen decreases in the cave where the 12 boys and their trainer were trapped for two weeks

. "We originally thought that the children could stay safe for a long time in the cave, but the circumstances changed, we have little time," said Arpakorn Yookongkaew, commander of the SEAL force, at a press conference

. are down because of the number of workers inside the cave and rescuers were trying to introduce a line of oxygen into the rooms that they were left with air, in addition to the oxygen tanks used by divers, said Thursday the governor of Chiang Rai Province, Narongsak Osatanakorn, at the end of the day on Thursday

. and his football coach has been trapped since June 23rd.

An army commander, Major General Chalongchai Chaiyakam, said the most urgent mission now is to build a line of oxygen. The line is connected to a telephone line to provide a channel of communication with the children, who are trapped deep in the cave system, but are served by four elements of the SEAL force, including a doctor.

Children aged 11 to 16 and their 25-year-old coach went to explore the cave after a football game on June 23. The monsoon rains flooded the entrance and cut off their leak. The rescuers found them after almost 10 days, since the only way to reach them is to navigate in dark, narrow corridors, flooded with muddy water and strong currents.

The authorities rushed to pump the water from the cave before other storms rise up the water level. However, at the present time, diving is the only possible escape method, although cave rescue specialists warn that it is extremely dangerous even for those who have difficulty. ;experience.

Source: AP

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