Thailand: save four cave children and today they resume the task


The complex rescue operation of the twelve children and their football coach trapped in a cave in Thailand over the past two weeks started successfully this Sunday, saving four of them, but the nine others will have to wait for the evacuation resume in "at least ten hours", reported the crisis cell. According to the report reported by the team of rescuers, four men have already left, each guided by two professional divers.

To leave they had to travel more than 4 kilometers of narrow passages where they had to dive into flooded, outdated tunnels Long uneven walks and covered between water currents and rocks. Such are the difficulties of the rescue mission that began yesterday

Once arrived at school and his preceptor, more than 4 kilometers from the mouth of the exit, the contingent formed thirteen specialists world famous speleology began gradually returning in small groups formed by two rescuers and one of the trapped.

The first step is the one with the greatest risk.

To overcome it, rescued children had to dive for a short time. footbridge For this, the miners, many of whom before the rescue did not know how to swim, took an intensive course on the handling of immersion equipment. During the mission, special masks are used that cover the entire face and allow them to breathe naturally.

Expert divers, who warned of the risk of the mission but assured that it was the most feasible way, remain united at all times

They also have a rope, attached to the wall, which serves to guide them during the way out through the ups and downs of a stony ground with strong currents of water and artificially lit. [19659002] Overseas, doctors and caregivers evaluated the first four children.

After leaving this cave in northern Thailand, they were taken by ambulance to Chiang Rai Hospital. They left the square in the direction of a heliport.

"The next (rescue) operation will begin in at least ten hours," Narongsak Osottanakorn, head of the Crisis Staff, said on Sunday night.

Chalongchai Chaiyakorn, one of the leaders of the Crisis Staff, said the children "will come out one by one, it will last two or three days."

The Crisis Staff considers that the current conditions evacuation are "perfect" for the level of water in the cave. Rescuers evacuated the area Sunday morning. Before the arrival of the reporters, the authorities have installed metal barriers to keep them at bay and allow rescuers to work without cameras around them.

For the past few days, rescue services have been studying the ease or otherwise of carrying out dangerous evacuation, as the monsoon rains that should fall could ruin efforts to pump water from the cave .

Getting out before the rain [19659015] The emergency services managed to stabilize the oxygen levels by inserting a pipeline of several kilometers to bring this gas to the place where the children are cornered. But the rains that could happen would reduce much of the muddy salient in which the group takes refuge.

It is because of the monsoon rains that the children were trapped after having decided, for some reason still unknown, to visit the cave after their football training, with the young coach of 25 years.

As an alternative to diving evacuation, the teams made a hundred vertical holes in the mountain. Some of them shallow. No drilling of this type has been announced on Sunday.


  • At present, no image of the operation has been made public, as the authorities have created a security perimeter. 19659020] The death of an exbuzo of the Thai navy reveals the risk of the trip. On Saturday, a downpour fell for half an hour, which reminded us of the urgency of the rescue.

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