The 10 best start-ups dedicated to education will be rewarded in Spain | Economy | Management and Employment


October 3, 4 and 5 will be held in focus, organized by the Fundación Telefónica, IE University and the South Summit as part of the South Summit 2018. As part of the event , who will know the new forms of education Based on technology, a window and a networking space for startups EdTech opens.

Thus, a special call has been launched to reward the top ten international startups in the sector, at all stages of development: the selected startups will be among the finalists of the South Summit and will have the opportunity to have their own space in the meeting, Increase their visibility, access to training, meetings with investors or potential companies looking for innovation and mentoring.

Entrepreneurs interested in participating in the contest may register up to August 17 on the website. The finalist startups will travel to Madrid to present their projects and choose, in addition to the prizes of the Southern Summit competition, the most prestigious prizes which include 3 special prizes

: IE University award for the best start in higher education; awarded by the Fundación Telefónica to the start-up having the greatest social impact in education and the award given by Wayra and Telefónica Educación Digital to the start-up with the best technological solution for learning and Training.

Among the evaluation criteria to select the finalist projects, their innovative character, their viability, their scalability, their team profile and their attraction of investments will be evaluated.

The selection committee will be integrated by an international network of investors, entrepreneurs and experts from different industries. Winners will be able to access the Edtech IE Rockets Starter Accelerator; Wayra's international entrepreneurship network; to the entire investment system of the Southern Summit as well as the possibility of collaboration with its partners and collaborators.


How Technology is Transforming Education What opportunities does it offer to facilitate access and improve learning? Who are the main promoters of educational innovation right now? "We believe that education is the best tool to achieve a fairer and more equitable society and technology is the lever to achieve it," explained José María Álvarez. -Pallete, president of Telefónica, organizer and participant in EnlightED. "Education is the key to responding in time and form to the technological and digital revolution in which we find ourselves and the best pillar for a more egalitarian and open society," says María Benjumea, founder and CEO of l & # 39; Spain. Startup – Southern Summit.

With a transversal and participatory approach, EnlightED will bring together roundtables and conferences of business, academic, innovative, student and futuristic leaders in a debate about new opportunities for learning and developing the world EdTech and proposals that facilitate its full participation in the digital society.

For Santiago Íñiguez de Onzoño, president of IE University, another of the organizers of the meeting, "the education of the future will focus on new content, new formats and a leading role in the technology to have a greater impact on facing new challenges in a digital world, we will take up these challenges and look for new answers. "

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