The actress of "La casa de papel & # 39; will record a video clip in Pucallpa [FOTOS] | Photo 1 of 5 | Shows


The Spanish actress Itziar Ituño who played Inspector Murillo in the hit series "The papel casa" by Netflix is from walking across Peru. This is the second time that he has arrived in our country, and comes with a big surprise for his followers.

The actress has published photographs and videos of her stay in Peru in her Instagram . Before his trip to the Peruvian jungle, Itziar Ituño crossed the streets of the capital and visited Callao.

After her tour in Peru, the actress of "La casa de papel" and the keyboardist of her rock band & # 39; Ingot & # 39; Roberto Awanari, are in Pucallpa, where they will record the video clip of their song & # 39; Ama landara & # 39;

"We are already interned in the jungle.We will record the video of the song" Ama landara "we will stay until the end of the month", said the actress in an interview with RPP .

"We had this question that speaks of the mother plant, called" Ama landara ", which immediately made me think of the Ayahuasca, with which I lived a journey in Peru that I did several years ago, "added the artist.


In another moment of the interview, Itziar Ituño confirmed his participation, interpreting the inspector Raquel Murillo, in the third part of & The paper house & # 39; ]

"When we were introduced to the series, we knew that there was a beginning and an end.We dreamed of this possibility (of a new season), but we did not Not that it was possible, and when they come in contact with us and say yes, the first thing we think is what would come, "says the actress.

We all said "I hope they'll call us", because we did not know and we do not know where the series will go. I know I'll be here (in the third part), we just wait Alex Pina and the company to finish the script, "adds Itziar enthusiastically.

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