The artist of the year: Pedro Loli won Michelle Soifer in the final | video | America tv | Shows


He celebrated it as he deserves. After vibrating with each of his presentations at the last Gala of the TV show "The Artist of the Year", directed by Gisela Varcárcel the singer Pedro Loli was established as the winner of this season's televised competition, during the victory Michelle Soifer .

The last day of & # 39; The Artist of the Year & # 39; was marked by the absence of the sauce Yahaira Plascencia, and the emotivity with which the other four competitors participated to raise the cup of which they had dreamed so much, however, one by one they were left on the road to finally decide only Loli and Soifer.

YOU CAN SEE Jorge Henderson and his sharp criticism of Yahaira for not being at the end of "The Artist of the Year"

With 435 points, the singer of the & # 39; 39; Grand Orchestra International & # 39; realized his dream of raising the cup of the program, and his moving celebration he shared with his company eros, dance and production casting.

Although always up to the task with each presentation, and a high evaluation by the jury, Michelle Soifer was in second place .

While the third place was occupied by the actress Rossana Fernández Maldonado who, at age 40, took up the challenge of singing and dancing in the television contest, and was very close to To achieve the desired success

Finally, the actor Luis Baca was eliminated in a previous round, which placed him in fourth place in & # 39; L & # Artist of the year & # 39;

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