The "Baby Trump" balloon in the diapers is in front of the London Parliament


The giant balloon of & # 39; Baby Trump & # 39; in childbirth and holding a cell phone is high today in front of the London Parliament, as part of the protests for the US president's first official visit to the United Kingdom Donald Trump .

The inflatable was erected by a group of protesters amid the euphoria of the crowd gathered and should float on Parliament Square, adjacent to the iconic neo-Gothic building, for the next two hours.

On nearby Whitehall Avenue, where the government headquarters and various ministries are located, a robot of the popular British science fiction series Doctor Who also walked with a blonde doll, for The greatest pleasure of the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan defended his decision to authorize the escape of 'Baby Trump & # 39; criticized by conservatives, stating that it is not his role to "act as a censor" or to determine whether an event is "good or bad".

The people of the United Kingdom, like the United States. "They would oppose" the idea that "we should leave our rights, privileges and freedoms because they can offend an American president," added Khan, "It is rude to receive a dignitary . "

The visit of Trump and his wife Melania this country is marked by many protests, including London, a city that the couple tries to avoid at all costs to avoid the rejection of the population . (EFE)

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