The brother-in-law of Hugo García was featured in This is War | PICTURES | Reality of America TV | Shows


Ayrton García the younger brother of Hugo García, surprised locals and aliens by being featured in the latest issue of Esto es Guerra, the reality show of America.

The handsome young man of just 19 years expressed his emotion for being part of This Is War and gave a few words of thanks for the opportunity that gave the production.

"I feel happy and I'm nervous, being under the mantle is uf … it seems like time will never end," he said Ayrton García to be presented in full program Live This is War

In addition, Ayrton García noted that plans to gain a place on the reality TV of America TV and will fight to be the only one in the world. one of the best competitors of the program. "I'm coming to give 100% of me," he said.

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It is important to mention that Ayrton is an ATV rider and never had belonged to a reality show. Now he will share the same TV with his big brother

Remember that Hugo Garcia has gained great popularity for his participation in This is War. Come the time of Ayrton . Here is his presentation in This is War.

Here is the official presentation of Ayrton García in This Is War. Do you think that he will win a place in reality TV?

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