-The symbols of communism could be on display in a Colorado town until the election of November thanks to a frustrated resident.

An image using the hammer and sickle is used to replace the "O" in GOP on the billboards at Grand Junction, The project is the work of resident Anne Landman, who said that she was angry at the actions of the Trump administration on Russia, immigration and tariffs.

"I mean, I'm tearing my hair!" Landman said in the US TODAY's HUI by e-mail. "How much are we supposed to take as citizens?"


During President Donald Trump's summit in Helsinki with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the two leaders made controversial statements leading to accusations of treason.

Landman said that she received financial aid for several billboards throughout the area, but the company's posting received a "blowback". His plan is to keep the billboards until the fall elections – an important mid-term race for Republicans hoping to keep control of Congress.

"Several people walked up to my home – a guy who went down enough money to buy a whole week of board," she said.

More : Putin "ready to go to Washington" to meet Trump

Grand Junction lies squarely in Trump County, Mesa County, where the city is located, gave Trump 64 % of votes in the 2016 presidential election.

Landman said local businesses sported banners and anti-Obama placards when he was president.But she notices a small change in the tide Local politics.

"It seems that the billboard really hit people," she said. "Even the Republicans have sent me an email to tell me that it's not going to happen." they are outraged by this administration and they no longer want to belong to this party. "

Landman said that she got permission to use the image of Mad Dog Pac, the organization that owns it.

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