The Democratic Party of California abandons Feinstein and endorses his opponent


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The Democratic Party of California voted in favor of a Progressive Senate of Senator Dianne Feinstein for the US Senate at the Party Executive Committee meeting in Oakland, California Although Feinstein beat Senator Kevin de León, 51, by almost 33 points in the jungle primary last month, the grassroots activists have largely taken control of the party's apparatus. recent years and have pushed Liberal candidate to the Trump administration

This is the second time that they have chosen to support León Feinstein, 85, who has served California in the US Senate since 1992.

According to the results poll, the decision was made by 333 voting members who make up the executive council of the Democratic Party of California. While de León got 65% of the votes with 217 votes, Feinstein got a derisory score of 22 votes or 7%. Rather than approve of either candidate, 94 members voted for approval.

"Today's vote is a clear rejection of politics as usual in Washington, DC," said de Leon in a statement. "We presented Californians with the first real alternative to the worn-out Washington playbook in a quarter of a century."

De Leon remains a long shot in the race, however, as the two Democrats face off without a Republican Challenger in November. Feinstein led León by 24 points – 46% to 24% – with 31% undecided in a poll conducted in the US at the end of June.

While Leon was getting approval from the party To officially support Feinstein

Despite an attempt to work behind the scenes to avoid the embarrassment of losing the party's favor a second time, however, Feinstein has failed to convince the progressive wing of the California Democrats to support it.

Nevertheless, the senator's election coffers are flush, and she enjoys greater name recognition and high-profile endorsements than León.

Feinstein won more than 2.3 million votes in the primary last month and León only won a little over 638,000.

"We are confident that # A large majority of California Democrats will vote to re-elect Senator Feinstein in November, "said Jeff Millman, his campaign manager, after the vote, according to the Associated Press. aed Press.

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