The economy would have grown more than 5% in the second quarter, predicts the BCP | Economy


The Peruvian economy would have risen above 5% in the second quarter of 2018, the maximum level in 18 quarters, estimated the Economic Studies Zone of Peru's Banco de Credit ( BCP ).

In its weekly report, the financial institution reported that economic activity continued with a stronger cyclical recovery than initially expected.

Thus, he recalled that the Central Reserve Bank (BCR) predicted that the economy would experience annual growth of 5% in May, due to the growth of the fishing sector (27%) and the the increase in domestic consumption of cement. (8.3%), the main indicator of the construction sector.

On the other hand, the PCO stated that the indicators available for June show the following:

1. Public investment by the general government would have slowed down in real terms, after recording an annual rate of 10% in May.

2. Electricity production rose 4.4% from one year to the next.

3. Most business expectations indicators published by the BCR have been moderate compared to May.

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