The founder of Tesla announces underwater capsules for the rescue of children trapped in a cave in Thailand


The founder of Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk announced today on Social Networks that he has a engineering team working on the development of underwater capsules which could be used for the rescue of the eight children of a football team that remains trapped in a cave in Thailand.

The device, which is tested in a swimming pool in Los Angeles, according to Musk himself said in his official Twitter account, consists of a bullet-shaped capsule elongated metal, which would be connected to two separate tubes through which would enter the necessary oxygen to complete the journey up to the cave entrance.

"Design is based on comments He teams have access to oxygen at the front and back, which has the shape of a cone, "explained Musk, who stated that he received recommendations from Thailand

because of the size of the device. the only adult in this group of thirteen people who entered the cave on June 23 should leave alone.

The plan consists of two expert divers who move the capsule, which has several handles, made so that they can adjust a series of straps that would take the divers attached to their waist, while that inside a child is moved.

 thailand-rescue-children-meteorology_63356771.jpg "src =" files / u4106 / thailand-rescue-children-meteorology_63356771.jpg " style = "width: 441px; height: 283px; "/> </p>
<p>  After the rescue teams of today evacuated four of the children, the Thai authorities chose to suspend the rescue operation until Monday because it was necessary to replace the compressed air bottles placed along the passageway and to evaluate the new phase of the operation. </p>
<p>  In principle, the use of these <strong> capsules </strong> that could be sent to the cave <em> Tham Luang </em> in the northern province of Chiang Rai, in a few hours, <strong> is a "plan b" </strong> which would only be appealed if the authorities excluded to continue the rescue tasks if the cave was flooded or if one of the children did not feel able to leave on their own.  </p>
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We received more good comments from Thailand. is a small child-sized submarine using the oxygen transfer tube liquid from the Falcon rocket as a hull. Light enough to be done by 2 divers, small enough to pass through narrow spaces. Extremely robust

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) 7 July 2018

"I am always amazed at the courage, stamina and tenacity of children and diving equipment in Thailand. his best, "praised the business man.


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