The handsome Russian "spy" that complicates Trump | 1 of 1


A beautiful young redhead had become known in the ultraconservative American sector as the visible face of a non-governmental organization that supported the use of firearms, "Right to Arms". Born in Siberia, Maria Butina published photos on social networks in which she appeared with weapons to denounce the regulation of those in her country.

But the authorities of the United States were not surprised, but by multiple contacts in 2014, with the powerful local arms lobby, the National Rifle Association (NRA), closely linked to the Republican Party.

Maria Butina, 29, was arrested. They accuse him of acting as "undeclared agent of a foreign government" and "conspiring" to infiltrate American political organizations "to promote the interests of the Federation of Russia ", according to the complaint of the Ministry of Justice. "

Is this a case of espionage or a new chapter in the controversy over the relationship between Russia and the United States that harms the Russian girl?

For four years, as narrated The New York Times ] the Russian accused of being an undercover agent "persevered to infiltrate conservative circles and influence powerful Republicans, while remaining secretly in contact with Russian intelligence agents, a senior official Russian and a billionaire oligarch near the Kremlin, who called his "financier", "prosecutors said.

They also claim that their contact list has included an email account. ico associated with the Federal Security Service (FSB), the Russian intelligence agency, which succeeded the Soviet KGB.

Lied and "offered sex"

Maria Butina, according to the newspaper, led her campaign with a series of deceptions that began in 2014, but before. He lied to get a student visa in order to do a postgraduate degree at the American University in Washington. In addition, apparently hoping to get a work visa, he offered sexual services to an American in exchange for a job. And she moved with a Republican who was almost twice her age, whom she described as her boyfriend, but who expressed her "contempt" in private and asked her to go to college

. Driscoll said that she "acted as an agent on none of these serious or relevant issues" that involve the relationship between the United States and Russia.

And in Moscow, Russian officials say that Butina, who has pleaded not guilty, is a pawn in a wider geopolitical game, which seeks to undermine the results of the summit, which Trump wants to highlight. For María Zajárova, spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, "the FBI, instead of focusing on its crime-fighting obligations, is carrying out a clearly political commission."

Republican and Religious Contacts

  • In social networks, Butina also published photos with prominent Republican leaders, including the former president of the NRA, David Keene, and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. In these photos, Butina also appears accompanied by a Russian official who, according to the press, is Alexander Torshin, deputy governor of the Central Bank of Russia, who maintains links with the Russian security services, according to reports [19659013]. Republican leaders through a network of contacts in the National Rifle Association and conservative religious groups, such as National Prayer Breakfast, according to prosecutors.

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