The incredible reaction of a vegan girl to "discover" that mayonnaise has an egg


July 11, 2018

It was the favorite ingredient of a young woman, but when she discovered this in a recognized "fast food", her reaction became viral on the networks social.

Someone who is a vegetarian and someone who is vegan : in the latter case, the lifestyle is much more nutritious and does not consume anything. animal origin.

However, this vegan woman was terribly disappointed to learn that mayonnaise her favorite ingredient, carries an egg . And his reaction became viral on social networks, when an employee of Subway told the story.

"I tell you that I work in Subway, yesterday a girl came to tell me that she wanted a Veggie Delite.When I went to get some bread, she asked me if I could change my gloves because I was vegan and I had handled meat.I did it, no problem, perfectly reasonable request.I took out the bread, I l & # 39; I grilled and put all the vegetables that she asked, I started to wrap her sandwich and she said, "Can I buy some mayonnaise?" » Gabriel Caulfield-Bohlken told about Facebook 19659005] "I looked at her, she looked at me, I took the mayonnaise, I waited for a" hahaha "from her. But nothing happened " and when she explained that the mayonnaise was prepared with eggs, she declared " that she was stunned and silent. "

She commented that she always asked for mayonnaise when she went there: " I felt so awful, she stood there with a face of anguish and defeat complete. I had broken the world of this poor girl " .However, she took the sandwich

" She just watched me, sighed, said & # 39; 39, yes, I will try & # 39; and left. And that's the story of how I taught a vegan that mayonnaise is, in fact, non-vegan " Gabriel concluded in his narrative [19659010] which has already been shared more than 43,700 times.

So I work at Subway, yesterday I had a chick who came, she told me that she wanted Veggie Delight. As I went to get the …

Posted by Gabriel Caulfield-Bohlken on Thursday June 28, 2018

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