The last: The second woman goes public about Indiana Hill


INDIANAPOLIS – The latest on growing appeals for Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill to resign amid allegations of sexual misconduct (all local times):

5:20 pm [19659003] Another woman who says Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill came forward, citing the courage of a state legislator who made public his story, as well as Hill's refusal to resign.

Gabrielle McLemore, spokeswoman for the Senate Democrats of Indiana, told The Associated Press on Friday that Republican has approached, asked "Do you know who I am?" And drove her to a bar after the state's legislative session ended in March.

She said that he proceeded to massage her back, while she worried that would think. Finally, she articulated the words "help me" to her intern, who interposed by asking McLemore if she wanted to go to the bathroom.

McLemore said that she never wanted to manifest herself. But she said Hill's repeated denials were frustrating.

She also wants to give the example to other women so that they "do not feel compelled to hide, so they do not feel that they have done something wrong".


Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill said he would not resign because of the charges against him, despite the recrudescence of officials from both parties who called for the resignation of the Republican

Hill, the former Elkhart County Attorney said Friday afternoon in a statement that he had been "falsely accused of some of the crimes that I've been in." I continued for 28 years. "

He requested an investigation from the Marion County Attorney's Office on Hill also stated that an investigation into his conduct by the Indiana Inspector General's Office would not be a "fair and independent" investigation.

against Hill were included in a confidential legislative note that was leaked to the media.


12:30 pm

An Indiana legislator at the center of the groped charges filed against Republican Attorney General Curtis Hill has come forward

The representative of the Democratic State Mara Candelaria Reardon published her own account of the March 15 incident at Indianapolis Bar in The Northwest Indiana Times.

She said that Hill leaned toward her. She slipped on her back and grabbed her buttocks.

Legislator Munster says that she told Hill to back down, but he approached her later in the night, put her hand on his back and said: .

Candelaria Reardon called on all Indiana residents of "good will" to demand Hill's resignation.

She said she was now talking to support other women who accused Hill of fumbling them that night.


A group of African American lawmakers in Indiana join the call for the resignation of Republican Attorney General Curtis Hill

The Indiana Black Legislative Caucus said Friday that credible accusations that Hill fumbled a legislator and three legislative assistants eroded public confidence in him. Hill is African-American

State Representative Cherrish Pryor, an Indianapolis Democrat who heads the group, said that women should not be subjected to this kind of "unacceptable" behavior [19659025] Group congratulated women for having courage



The Indiana government watchdog says his office is investigating allegations that the prosecutor Republican General Curtis Hill groped several women

Insp. General Lori Torres said Friday that Republican and Democratic leaders had asked him to launch an investigation that she said would be a "full and fair review".

Hill denied these allegations. But Torres's findings could lead to criminal charges against him if the allegations are true.

Democrat and Republican leaders both believe that allegations are credible.

The allegations against Hill were included in a confidential legislative note.

It is written that four women accused Hill of being inappropriately affected, including a lawmaker who said he had groped after she had him asked to back down for touching his moments earlier.


Two more Republicans call on Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill to resign amid accusations that he has abducted four women, including a parliamentarian. Governor Suzanne Crouch said in a statement Thursday night that she supports Governor Eric Holcomb's call for Hill to resign. She says that "sexual harassment should never be tolerated."

Secretary of State Connie Lawson also urged Hill to resign, stating in a statement that "Indiana has no Tolerance for Harassment of Any Kind whatsoever "

Hill asked Hill to resign earlier Thursday, days after the publication of an internal legislative investigation note. The memo says that four women accused Hill of being inappropriately hit at an Indianapolis bar in March, shortly after the end of this year's legislative session.

Hill is also Republican. He denied the accusations


The leading Republican leaders of the Indiana Statehouse are asking Attorney General Curtis Hill to resign after a week of negative stories questioning their handling of allegations to groping against him

Gov. Eric Holcomb, House Speaker Brian Bosma and Senate Leader David Long all issued statements Thursday calling for Hill to resign.

An internal legislative note detailing the allegations was leaked to the media earlier this week. The memo says that four women accused Hill of being inappropriately affected, including a lawmaker who told her to betray her after she told him to back down for touching her earlier moments.

Hill has denied the detrimental investigation accusations that is deeply troubling. "

His office did not respond to a request for comment on Thursday night.

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