The last typo of the Trump White House


The White House posted a tweet praising economic growth in the "United States" – misspelling the name of the country that it serves.

The image, tweeted on Friday, was on hold for hours before being finally removed. 19659003] But screenshots of the mishap remain – and join a growing archive of shocking and implausible spelling errors disseminated by the highest position of American politics.

We have enumerated some of the most important mistakes of the Trump administration up to now – not to mention the President himself

"The US economy United "

  The tweet was removed a few hours later
The tweet was erased a few hours later [19659009TheBlanchie'sBestBranchwasparticularlyrelatedtoitsimportance:themistakewasthatthecapitalwassupportedfromtheconceptfullydesigned

He quoted Mr.Trump:" The US economy will double more than 10 years faster than what it would have under President Bush or President Obama. "

" Security and Crime Boarder "

The violent application of interstate boundaries is a major concern for Mr. Trump, and the separation of families entering the United States United States provoked Mr Trump surprised critics in an answer that accused Democrats of weakness on "Boarder Security" – perhaps raising concerns about skateboarding sports and associated countercultures that could threaten the public .

"Melanie feels good"

  The tweet of Donald Trump in which he calls his wife Melanie & # 39;
Donald Trump's tweet in which he calls his wife "Melanie"

After a long stay at the hospital, there is little more reassuring than a welcome tweet from your partner, the President of the United States (sorry … states ).

when he uses your correct name – Melania – and not Mela denies, another name.

Unfortunately, it was too much to ask the first lady – even though the tweet was later deleted and replaced


Perhaps one of the most notorious and confusing of Mr. Trump's apparent misadventures, covfefe, took hold of him. Internet for one night last spring – and On the night of May 31st last year, Mr. Trump tweeted: "Despite the negative coverage of the press."

He stayed there, without embellishment or explanation, for six hours was deleted and replaced by another, enigmatic tweet: "Who can understand the true meaning of" covfefe "Enjoy!"

It has been followed by many theories about what this could mean. A typo for "cover" seemed reasonable, while others suggested that it could be a code word for foreign allies.

Press Secretary Sean Spicer only made the confusion worse by telling reporters that "the president and a small group"

A few days after the fiasco, Donald Trump pulled out the states States of the Paris Agreement on Climate

"Pour my tweets"

<img class = "sdc-article-image__item" itemprop = "contentUrl" src = "https: //×563/skynews-donald-trump-tweet_4352946.jpg?20180728042929 "srcset ="×155/skynews-donald-trump-tweet_4352946 .jpg? 20180728042929 206w,×216/skynews-donald-trump-tweet_4352946.jpg?20180728042929 288w,×442 /skynews-donald-trump-tweet_4352946.jpg?20180728042929 589w,×563/skynews-donald-trump-tweet_4352946.jpg?20180728042929 750w, https: //e3.365dm .com / 18/07 / 960×720 / skynews-donald-trump-tweet_4352946.jpg? 20180728042929 960w,×1200/ skynews-donald-trump-tweet_4352946.jpg? 20180728042929 1600w,×1536/skynews-donald-trump-tweet_4352946.jpg?20180728042929 2048w "sizes =" (min-width: 900px) 992px, 100vw "alt =" While Trump explained the capitalization, he forgot While Trump explained the capital letter, he forgot to check his spelling

Harry Potter author JK Rowling mocked the president when he made a spelling mistake while he was trying

M. Trump wrote: "After writing many bestsellers, and congratulating myself a bit on my ability to write, it's worth noting that Fake News has been steadily pouring my tweets to the search for an error. "[19659003] As many have quickly pointed out, the phrase that Mr. Trump intended to use was" pore over ", that is, examine or read very carefully. "Pouring" means dispensing liquid from a jug.

"The Possibility of a Sustainable Fishery"

In a more realistic assessment of what is likely for the region, the White House is committed to "Promoting the possibility of sustainable fishing "between Israel and Palestine.

The error, published as a press release, was noted by several journalists.

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