The man is saved from dying after the impact of lightning near his home in the United States | VIDEO | | trends


A subject living in Massachusetts, USA, spent the worst scare of his life, surviving a blistering flash about 30 meters from home. The video was posted on Facebook and surprises many users

Adam Polverine, protagonist of the scene, warned in his social network how dangerous it is to be away from home while thunder happens in the sky, therefore, he informed the user of the importance of staying inside.

You Can See Google Maps: A Terrifying Scene Scares Thousands On Social Networks [FOTOS]

"S Please Everyone, It Is Very Important To Stay In the interior and be safe even during the weakest storms and less intense .Although you think you are safe under the roof of something outside, like in this video, "Polverine suggested.

In his Facebook post, he said that he was very lucky to be safe from the impact of lightning. to the earth could bring consequences, in addition to the video you can notice the fall of a pole next to a road, causing a fire and the closure of traffic in a population of Massachusetts. ]

Finally, the video was put online with the intention that the population observe the consequences that may affect a natural disaster especially if we do not have the necessary protection to avoid tragedy before an event as the scene shows.

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