The marine spirit of 7 Marines of Latin America took the streets of Panama


Panama / EFE

The maritime spirit and peace of the rmadas of Argentina, Brazil Chile, Colombia, Mexico Peru and Venezuela ] has today Who took the streets of the capital during the naval parade "Velas Latinoamérica 2018", in which hundreds of people enjoyed the maneuvers and marches synchronized. 19659004] At a punctual military rhythm at 08:00 local time (13:00 GMT), in Cinta Costera security forces of the Central American country ] opened the curtain with a deployment of his troops, martial music and greetings among the high ranking authorities to receive the naval group of Latin America.

One of the first to parade was the delegation of Argentina who with a flawless white uniform made his way before the eyes of several hundred people who waited for the cadets and officers who make up the frigate Libertad the naval school of the Argentine Navy.

This year, the crew of this vessel participates in Velas to to complete the vocational training of aspirants and at the same time share with the public sea experiments ] and operation of ships in general.
The meeting was attended by the brigandine squad "Cisne Blanco" of Brazil, "Gloria" of Colombia and the sailing school "BAP Unión" (Peru), the largest in Latin America, which carried their badges with gallantry and behavior. He was accompanied by the impressive squadron of the Mexican Navy's "Cuauhtémoc" training ship, one of the most acclaimed and sighted because of his orderly and milimetric deployment in his actions.

READ ALSO: Panamanians enjoy the event Candles of Latin America 2018

One of his crew members and corporal cadet fourth-year general corps , Ernesto Reyes, emphasized Efe that the Nautical Festival was a good opportunity to interact with the different armed for know their different ways of working

"Our goal is to exalt marine spirit and bring the message of peace and goodwill to the world," he said.
Reyes said that membership in the Navy of Mexico is a pride to serve the nation because they are the image of the armed forces in front of the world.

In the parade also participated on ] Cadets of the School of the Officers of Dr. Justo Arosemena, Band of the Institutional Protection Service ( SPI ), officers of the National Aeronaval Service of Panama ( Senan ) and the National Border Service ( Senafront ).

In addition to a folk delegation of Authority of the Panama Canal students of the Universidad Marítima Internacional de Panamá on Colegio Moisés Castillo Ocaña de La Chorrera and José Daniel Crespo School of Chitré

Although the parade did not have a high turnout, and finished two hours It had a strong safety and has not caused traffic congestion.

Velas Latinoamérica also includes open tours to the general public to school vessels from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico , from Peru and Venezuela until July 11 in the Balboa Harbor in Panama

The fleet that travels through several ports of South America and the Caribbean with various cultural exchange activities, includes in the agenda an official visit of the President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, that Tuesday 11 will be part of the closing ceremony of the regatta.

ALSO READ: #GaleriaCri Velas Latinoaméricana 2018

Velas Latinoamérica 2018, event organized by the Chilean Navy, which began in the port of Rio de Janeiro, will end its trip on September 2 in Veracruz (Mexico)

After Panama, the regatta will also pass through the ports of Curaçao, Cartagena de Indias (Colombia), La Guaira (Venezuela), Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) and Cozumel (Mexico)

The maritime meeting took place for the first time in 2010 as part of the bicentenary celebrations of the independence processes of Argentina and Chile.

The Argentine Navy organized this nautical stopover in 2014 and Chile took on this task in 2018, framed in the commemoration of the bicentennial of the South Army.


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