The Ministry of Culture will hold 34 national competitions in 2018


The Ministry of Culture will promote the country's artistic and cultural production with approximately 23.7 million soles (over $ 7 million) through 34 national competitions to be convened in 2018

Incentives will be used to finance audiovisual and cinematographic projects as well as the performing arts, visual arts, music, books and the promotion of reading.

The history of Peruvian cultural policies will be funded by civil society initiatives to promote a wide variety of cultural expressions, according to the ministry.

The audiovisual and film industry will concentrate most of the aid, with more than 19.5 million soles (about $ 5.85 million) for winners in their twenty or so competitions divided into three stages, depending on the degree of completion of the projects.

Competitions b We can promote the training of professionals related to the sector, the implementation of projects aimed at preserving the audiovisual history of the nation and contribute to the financing of film projects at different stages of production.

Fruit of these aids in previous competitions such as " Magallanes ", nominated for the Goya Awards in 2016, or recently " Wiñaypacha ", which is the premium film of the filmmaker Óscar Catacora, whose budget was the prize of the contest. who won, valued at about 400,000 soles (about $ 120,000).

For performing arts more than 2.4 million soles (about $ 720,000) will be allocated in eight competitions and two calls.

Among its objectives include the promotion of national and international artistic circulation, scenic and discographic production, the development of, the organization of festivals, the assembly of exhibitions and the promotion of artistic projects for social transformation.

In addition, the ministry will invest more than 1.3 million soles (nearly $ 400,000) for the promotion of the book and the promotion of reading, divided into six competitions and a single call

. The aim is to recognize and stimulate the most outstanding publishing and promotional projects in reading and writing at the national level.

The deputy minister of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Industries, Luis Felipe Villacorta, said that "this competition has a fundamentally democratic and decentralized vocation."

"We reaffirm ourselves in this cultural policy on the economic stimuli for culture that extends to the new facets of industry and the cultural production of our country," he added.

In addition to the Deputy Minister Villacorta, presenting these incentives The Director General of Cultural Industries and Arts of the Ministry of Culture, Santiago Alfaro, and the Peruvian artist and former Minister of Culture, Susana Baca , participated. EFE

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