The money flowing in the battle of 2018 for the US Senate


The Senate money race begins to take of magnitude

Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) raised $ 22.9 million in the second quarter of 2018 and entered the third quarter with nearly $ 44 million in cash, according to figures provided by the groups and records of the Federal Election Commission on Friday night. ] One of the McConnell-aligned organizations, One Nation, will launch in August a $ 16 million advertising blitz aimed at five states that are critical to keeping the Republican majority in the Senate, according to the group.

On the Democrats' side, the Super PAC working to elect Pos Democrats posed solid fundraising figures from the first quarter, and continued to show financial weight. The group does not publish figures from its affiliated non-profit fundraisers, which are not reported publicly.

The super PAC, Senate Majority PAC, had about $ 13 million more in late June than its GOP counterpart, Senate Leadership Fund, FEC records show. The majority of the Senate had available liquidities of $ 32.7 million and the Senate Leadership Fund alone accounted for $ 19.5 million, according to the FEC.

"As the battlefield map shrinks, the Senate Democrats continue to have momentum in this cycle," JB Poersch, Speaker of the Senate Majority, said in a statement.

2018 Elections ]

The United States' top democratic superpolitics attracted $ 2.8 million in June and $ 9.3 million in available cash. Of these $ 2.8 million, $ 2 million came from billionaire investor and liberal donor George Soros. Soros has contributed at least $ 9.2 million to outside groups up to now in the 2018 cycle, according to a Washington Post analysis.

Among the major donors to the Republican Super PAC was Stephen Schwarzman, CEO and co-founder of the Blackstone Group, which donated $ 5 million to the Senate Leadership Fund. The New York investor has become one of President Trump's major donors since his election. Conoco Phillips, who donated $ 1 million, is the only major corporate gift to the super PAC

The August commercials totaling $ 16 million announced by groups aligned with McConnell will target Democrats Missouri, Indiana and North Dakota; to fight for the release of the Tennessee seat by Bob Corker (R); and defend one of the most vulnerable Senate Republicans this year: Dean Heller in Nevada.

"McConnell's leader has proven to be an invaluable asset in further confirming a constitutional conservative at the highest court of our nation for decades to come, Steven Law, chairman of the Senate Leadership Fund aligned with McConnell, said in a statement. "Donors are aware of this and have focused on the importance of the Republicans who hold the Senate in November."

The Republican National Committee continued to show strong figures in June, garnering nearly $ 14 million counterpart

Up to now this cycle, the RNC has collected almost twice as much money as the Democratic National Committee and has almost six times more than The CDN raised $ 201.7 million this cycle, and the DNC raised $ 105.8 million.The RNC reported $ 50.7 million in cash at the end. of June and the DNC reported $ 9 million before ec debt of $ 6.3 million

[ RNC enters summer 2018 with double the monthly fundraising of the DNC ]

The RNC reports spending $ 369,000 at Trump , the majority of which at Trump National Doral Miami, bringing the total amount spent on Trump properties to $ 1.5 million since November 2016.

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