The mystery of Oviedo discovered, by Umberto Jara | Trade | We are | signatures


A fundamental concept that guided the process of the Peruvian team was team work. Since March 2015 was an invariable rule that began to crack on April 7 this year, when the owner of the FPF Edwin Oviedo Picchotito faced a serious accusation: the prosecutor of Chiclayo, Juan Carrasco Millones, requested the imprisonment of Oviedo on the assumption that he had headed a criminal organization in the Tumán sugar factory and would be the alleged mediator of two homicides.

When the news reached the first pages, Oviedo informed his associates and those who wanted to hear that it was "a hoax of a dubious attorney" ". However, despite the recommendations he received to go out and clarify the accusations publicly, he opted for a strange silence and when press pressure began to exploit the phones of La Videna for a extra-sport affair, Oviedo chose to publish a statement to the public.

In this paper, he made a statement that last April did not attract attention but now acquires another meaning. He wrote: "On November 23, 2016, the Permanent Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court, composed, inter alia, by the current President of the Judiciary, Dr. Duberlí Rodríguez, and the former President of this Power. from the state, Dr. Javier Villa Stein, issued the judgment of cassation 326-2016, for which, clearly and forcefully, not only protected my application, but ordered the aforementioned Carrasco Millones advocate d & # 39; To adjust his actions to the budgets that the law envisages, in respect of my rights. "

His response was not intended to distort the serious charges against him. He limited himself to using the umbrella of an award rendered by two supreme members involved in the traffic of influence: Duberlí Rodríguez that he mentions in the press release of press, and César Hinostroza Pariachi who signed this sentence in his favor, but that Oviedo failed to name. The two magistrates, today we know, have received, at least, tickets for the parties of the Peruvian national team, a questionable act because they are officials of the judiciary and Oviedo is subject to a process.

After the April complaint, prosecutor Carrasco Millones advanced further and in the May fortnight asked the judge of the Eighth Pre-Trial Court of Chiclayo, a stay warrant of twelve month against Edwin Oviedo The application was accepted and a hearing was convened for May 21, 2018. Then the case became more serious because it could end up being detained in a prison while the process unfolded.

It is here that the President of the FPF forgot to draw a line of demarcation between personal affairs and national football issues: Worse still, he personally took charge of the # 39; case Paolo Guerrero in the middle of this serious accusation.

A Hidden Story
Since the explosion of the Paolo Affair in November 2017, the FPF noted, more than once, that she could not intervene because the rules FIFA They forbade it. However, on the night of May 17 – four days before the hearing for the pre-trial detention of Oviedo – the national striker appeared at La Videna with his mother Petronila Gonzales and his lawyer. At this meeting, they agreed that Oviedo and Paolo Guerrero would travel to Switzerland to talk to the FIFA president so that the player could play the World Cup.

Why if FPF stayed out for months suddenly everything changed? Three sources agree on two revelations. The first: Oviedo was to put an end to the actions of the prosecutor Carrasco and, especially, to the hearing of imminent preventive detention that could lead him to prison. Then, according to these sources, he received the advice to assume "the defense of Paolo" to get "the support of the majority of the country" who asked, asked, dreamed of having Guerrero as a Cup of World. The three versions coincide indicating that the paternity of the board comes from a character who has today gained notoriety: the businessman Antonio Camayo of the company IZA Motors. Everyone who knows Edwin Oviedo knows his great friendship with Camayo and the marked influence he has on him.

The second discovery of this story has to do with a question: who asked for the appointment on May 17? Is it Paolo Guerrero who took the initiative of the meeting? This appointment surprised even the vigils of La Videna when they saw the before arriving. The call came from Edwin Oviedo because he needed the Paolo affair. Note that at the end of the meeting, the FPF issued a pressed twitter announcing: "The meeting between President Edwin Oviedo and Paolo Guerrero at La Videna has culminated, whose scope will be kept in reserve. agreement." Why should the conversation with a national team be kept secret?

After months of absence from the Paolo affair – there are statements from Oviedo stating that he could not intervene – he suddenly became the squire of footballer suspended and both embarked to Zurich on May 20. Watch out for the date: May 21, the hearing was to be held to see the application for pre-trial detention of twelve months against Edwin Oviedo .

The explanation that he gave to the members of FPF is that he assumed the defense of Guerrero because it was "a question". "national interest", a gas phrase that explained nothing and also meant Intrusion into the sports work conducted by Ricardo Gareca .

There is also a question: who took the cost of the tickets and stay in Switzerland from Oviedo and Guerrero? If it was FPF under what concept and with what authorization? If it was not the FPF, then who and why?

Earning Time
Prior to the Oviedo trip the Judge of the Eighth Pre-Trial Court of Chiclayo, set June 27 as the new date for deciding the preventive detention of the President of the FPF. And it is here that the characters begin to have validity that, in the published audios, speak of "the chubby affair" and the "trip to Russia": César Hinostroza Pariachi and Antonio Camayo . Both are key elements in obtaining a court decision that, as we will see, released Oviedo and bound the hands of the Chiclayo prosecutor. The investigations must indicate if Duberlí Rodríguez Tineo participated. The truth is that the characters in question are very fond of football and have been linked to Oviedo not only in the 2018 Russia World Cup, but during qualifying.

Well, Oviedo got in Zurich the participation of the famous studio Kellerhals Carrard – whose high fees would do well to explain who paid – to introduce a precautionary measure that suspends the effects of the sanction of TAS against Paolo Guerrero. Meanwhile in Lima, Antonio Camayo, counselor of Oviedo and, especially, "brother" of the vocal Cesar Hinostroza, developed actions to issue, curious coincidence, also a precautionary measure to suspend the actions of the prosecutor of Chiclayo against Edwin Oviedo .

Negotiations have been successful. Judge Christina Kiss of the Swiss Federal Court suspended the sanction of the CAS and authorized Guerrero to play the World Cup. Immediately, Oviedo – said a source – continued with the advice that Camayo and his media adviser had given him: "Introduce yourself to public opinion as the man who put Guerrero in the World Cup, the country will applaud you and the Chiclayo prosecutor will have to come back. " Thus, Oviedo appeared at the Lowen Montafon hotel in Austria, where Peru finished its preparation before the World Cup. The cold reception that they received from the selected is another story that has important details, for now it suffices to point out that the reception of freezing cold was due to the fact that no one did not like the interference of Oviedo in the sports fields.

The next step was the return of the president of the FPF to Lima for a media tour that put him on television, radio and in the newspapers – about twelve interviews – recounting the " success of the Paolo affair ".

Two things bothered the interior of La Videna : the poor script of his presentations because he did not appear as a president of the FPF but as a fan of Paolo Guerrero, and using the facilities of La Videna to announce the results of a management that no one had approved.

The Other Precaution
Amid the enthusiasm for the start of the 2018 World Cup in Russia, almost no one has taken into account information published in all media. On June 11, three days before the opening of the World Cup and five days after the debut of the Peruvian national team, Judge Amanda Lina Magallanes Carbajal, in charge of the Transitional Constitutional Court of the Superior Court of Lima, granted a miraculous precautionary measure ordering the suspension of the tax investigation against Edwin Oviedo Picchotito, pronouncing, without doubt, "the suspension, as beneficiary of the pleadings pending". This sentence means that the cancellation of the provisional detention scheduled for June 27 was ordered.

Thus, on June 11, Oviedo received two magnificent news: he was sheltered from probable remand and, moreover, all the judicial inquiries against him were paralyzed. I could start enjoying the 2018 Russia World Cup.

The country did not yet know that the characters behind – César Hinostroza and Antonio Camayo – were a magistrate and a businessman involved in traffic of influence in the judiciary and other alleged crimes.

The great concern within the FPF is that the inaction of its current president engenders the definitive departure of Ricardo Gareca, Juan Carlos Oblitas and the whole of the sports structure of the Peruvian national team.

(The author of the note had an appointment with the president of the FPF on July 18 to contrast this investigation, the appointment being not specified by the president of the FPF)

– Second installment of a detailed special report that Umberto Jara will publish this Saturday in the print edition of "Somos". Exclusive information obtained in Moscow and Lima –

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