The mystery of the young man in a red shirt is resolved by Artz Pedregal


by: Agencies – July 15, 2018, 18:04

Mexico (Excelsior) .- Where does the boy from the red shirt come from ?, Is the question that Thousands of Internet users have been made after viraliser one of the collapsing videos of Plaza Artz Pedregal.

Pay close attention to the video and watch how the young man suddenly appears in the second 30. You can not explain where it's coming from? , do not worry, on Twitter there are several theories about it.

A ghost! Several Twitter users have accepted. Others expressed that it was a trick in the video

It was such a hustle that even the youtuber Salvadoran Gabe Hash looked for the video of another person who appears to be able to explain the mystery.

there is no mystery, the man in the video called Alejandro Centeno and he is the assistant of a lumberjack who worked in the preparation of one of the premises inside the square Artz Pedregal

Excelsior found it by chance. the consequences of the collapse of the place. He saw the moment of collapse from the outside because he had gone to the bathroom.

"When I came back, they did not let me in, so I see that they did not let us in and that's where it all goes." . That's when I go out on video, "commented the young worker, who presumes all his viralisation on the Internet.

Like many other workers, he came this Friday to find out what his future would be after the collapse of the place. However, the only thing they are told, is that at least on Friday there would be no activities.

In this other video, with a similar shot, we can see the presence of the young man a few meters from the collapse.

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