The NATO in difficulty | Opinion


Donald Trump understands NATO as a very expensive security agency for the United States. and who serves the interests of Europe. He is wrong? In principle, not because the US C is the largest contributor and security threats now make European countries more vulnerable than the United States.

The problem is that Trump does not know that NATO is a tool that has served American interests. throughout his life. During the Cold War, it was fundamental in its power struggle with the Soviet Union and, in recent years, has been of great importance in the war on terror (or NATO no. Was she not a key ally in the invasion of Afghanistan? 2001 post 11-S?).

In addition, NATO has allowed the United States to exert a very great influence on Europe, to such an extent that European countries have had great difficulty developing their own security mechanisms on the continent. Old continent. After the Second World War, the concern for Europe's security against the communist threat was the responsibility of the United States. Can you imagine the power that this represented for the world power? Obviously, the costs of energy.

In a globalized world, dealing with threats requires a lot of cooperation. Unfortunately, Trump understands the cooperation in very simple terms (how much each country contributes), without realizing that all the European members of NATO spend on defense equals the defense spending of China, a country that follows EE. .US. in this domain. Trump's pending issues, leaving aside NATO's heightened attention issues, are fracturing a very important alliance for the security of the United States.

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