The Neoconservatives and a Punitive Plan for Iran


US President Donald Trump insists he has nothing against the Iranian people, and is only trying to oppose what he sees as the dangerous activities of his government; but Trump's own behavior since he came to the Oval Office, denies these expressions. It is now clear that what he is trying to do is to put pressure on the Iranian people to revolt and force a change in the government of Tehran – a process that, in another context, is known as the name of change of regime N. T. .: change of regime ] . Indeed, if one believes Trump's confidant, Rudy Giuliani, then the White House is committed to "overthrowing the Iranian regime." Giuliani added: "The collapse of the Islamic Republic of Iran is fast approaching".

  United States against Iran, breakup relationship Giuliani shared these statements at a meeting in Paris, by the National Council of Resistance of Iran, towards the end of June. This nucleus serves as an avant-garde political group in the terrorist organization Mujahideen-e-Khalq -Giuliani frequently earns a salary, to present himself as a lecturer there. This dream of a brutal transition is a fantastic project that is widely promoted in the circles of American conservatism and pro-Israel groups in Washington, including Giuliani. This prerogative is usually invoked under the name "Obama's Betrayal ," which postulates that if President Barack Obama had actively supported the so-called "Green Reformists" in the 2013 Iranian elections, then they could got up with the victory. But this assumption strongly exaggerates the real support the Reformers had then and now; mistakenly, he is mistaken for a human rights movement, taking it as he was a unified political party.

Shortly after, Obama signed the Joint Action Plan Joint (JCPOA), the nuclear agreement with Iran. , which since then has been at the center of the anger of neoconservatives and Israelis. Trumpo, of course, bit the bait, and withdrew the United States from this deal. Then taking the decision to put in place a system of general and specific sanctions, as well as to try to ban the marketing of Iranian crude around the world.

Unfortunately, as usual, Trump and his advisers – among whom John Bolton, National Security Advisor, Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State, Nikki Haley, UN Ambassador, and Stephen Miller , senior foreign policy advisor, have been deceiving tactics to achieve reasonably positive results and moderate the power of the Supreme Religious Council of Iran. Instead, Americans are helping to build popular support for their government, because of threats and sanctions. In the end, these measures and decisions end up punishing the Iranian people.

Strangely, the White House does not seem to notice the fact that Iran is not Libya nor Iraq. He has a strong and widespread national identity, which means he manages to resist the pressures and threats of foreign powers, including the "leader of the free world," the United States. The pro-Israel and conservative libretto that has obviously taken control of Trump, presses on all the wrong buttons, since it uses, in essence, a recurrent and severe number of sanctions that seek to destroy the Iranian economy and to sow discord in this country, ultimately drive citizenship en masse on the streets. In practice, this involves not only resorting to sanction systems, but selectively targeting villains "as the Guardians of the Revolution, but it also means that they will be reprimanded for the institutions that exist to maintain the Social stability in Iran

The reports on the Iranian territory suggest that the new system of sanctions already punishes the citizens while not having a major impact on the commitment from the government in Tehran to stay in the country. Syria, which is currently the main retaining wall vis-à-vis the effort jointly built by the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia and the exaggerated assessment of these, which explicitly states that Tehran was involved in Syria destabilizes the entire Middle East .

Two organizations have recently been attacked by the neoconservatives and their allies; it is "the execution of the Order of Imam Kohmeini" (EIKO) and its partner, the Barakat Foundation. EIKO's main mission is to help poor families in Iran, and to perform other charitable work, but has been evaluated as an important economic resource, in controlling the office of Supreme Religious Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, do not contemplate how the foundation was organized, nor its functions understood.

The neo-conservative Iranian neo-conservative and famous Iranian was inevitably engaged in the prosecution against EIKO ] Mark Dubowitz General Manager of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD), which describes how the Iranian rulers control a vast trading empire which should be the target of American sanctions, with the aim of punishing Tehran and stripping it of all the resources available today for the mischief.

This campaign, sponsored by Dubowitz and his socio Saeed Ghasseminejad began since Trump was elected, and the boys FDD now trust that they have a friend at the White House.

Other channels between media close to American neo-conservatism and friends of Israel have also been busy spreading that Iran should be declared a target of economic war episodes . The US media National Interest recently published an article that advocated the imposition of oil sanctions against Iran in general by focusing on EIKO in particular, in the purpose of "modify the behavior of Iran – an expression that assumes that this behavior was negative, even when the reasons to illustrate it are not explicit.

Meanwhile, the US Congress is also part of the charade. As is almost always the case, the National Security Subcommittee of the Committee for the Control and Reform of Government in the House of Representatives has asked for expert testimony to explore others. means to suppress Iran. Legislators then received a type of informational lighting from Richard Goldberg ( FDD ), which is hardly a selfless reference in the matter.

] Goldberg began with a speech backed by waves of bipartisan anger, targeting Tehran, and saying, " I have had the privilege of working with such talented people – Democrats and Republicans – who share the passion of keeping the United States and its allies at the safe end of the long list of threats of which the Islamic Republic of Iran is the recipient. Together we propose many bills, bipartisan, in order to increase the pressure against Iran (…) I am sincerely concerned that we can find a useful way to resuscitate the country. bipartisan spirit that gave life to this important question of

Goldberg, vague when it is necessary to specify which "exhaustive list of threats" Iran says, was a counselor senior in foreign policy for the pioneer of pro-Israel hawks, the former senator Mark Kirk (Illinois). Goldberg famously in his biography in FDD How played a role in the deployment of a radar for missile defense, Made in the USA, in the Negev Desert – which would be the first weapon point of US forces in Israel . In the Senate, Rich became the leading architect of the harshest sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Then, he managed to position himself as "leader of the negotiation on behalf of the Republican Party, in sanctions against the Central Bank of Iran, the international financial messaging system SWIFT and entire sectors of the The Iranian economy ".

However, opinions have been recorded against the sanctions war promoted by the Trump administration. Robert Fontina, of Counterpunch rejected the description of EIKO as being nothing more than a foundation dedicated to charity. The reality is that EIKO is involved in large-scale social projects, such as the relief of poor rural people, the fight against the degradation of women, the construction of schools and homes, and the lorries. granting of health plans. US sanctions against this organization and similar entities will affect ordinary citizens of Iran, generating insecurity in the distribution of food, while a reduction in the supply of drugs will also be recorded. Ahmad Noroozi, of the Barakat Foundation, states that many Iranian citizens have already been affected by the US sanctions directed against their country, limiting the access to cancer drug treatment and other pharmaceutical products. And everything is geared towards promoting social unrest and towards a regime change.

The Iranian writer Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich who is not a friend of the government in Tehran, claimed that US sanctions against the Iranian economy and against its people are nothing more than terrorism in the form of sanctions ". His assessment is, without question, correct.

Indeed, it is disturbing that the abandonment of the Rule of Law by the Trump Administration and its allies in the media indicates that Washington is devoting itself, more and more frequently, to sanctions as a punitive format, in order to satisfy their geopolitical objectives. The nations that now oppose Washington's policies are regularly subject to financial and commercial reprimands. Cuba, North Korea, and Iran have recently joined Russia and Syria as targets of the Treasury Department. Even the European allies of the United States and their friends are threatened, in case they decide to acquire Iranian crude or to cooperate with energy initiatives of Russian origin.

The saddest thing is that the claim The leadership of the United States is now synthesized into a set of new "rules" that, in essence, are as arbitrary as they are illegal, backed up from the start by pretexts invented. Consider the falsity of referring to Iran as "the state with the greatest patronage to fight terrorism" and the false allegations that are repeatedly repeated by sources in Washington and Tel Aviv that the Iran is secretly building nuclear weapons. Trump has become, in fact, a bait for the Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu, being that the latter is the boss. Shortly after Trump announced the US withdrawal from the JCPOA, Israel mounted a series of deadly air strikes against Syria, specifically targeting Iranian military personnel who were present in that country, invited to fight against ISIS and other terroirst nuclei. This was an incident that could quickly escalate into a wider war, which was the Israeli intention in the first place.

There are deadly consequences in placing themselves behind Israel and Saudi Arabia in a potential. magnitude war with Iran. If the sanctions provoke despair on Iranian territory, an apparent disruption of order would easily create a "humanitarian" intervention of the United States and Israel, which would probably degenerate into an international conflict, which the House Blanche does not seem to understand. As is generally the case, the Trump Administration has not yet reached a sufficient maturity to understand that, if you exert too much pressure on a country or group of countries, a reaction as well farm will occur and the results may not be pleasant. To repress the Iranian citizens without really understanding what might emerge a posteriori, in order to pursue nebulous political objectives, it may not be a good idea .

Original article in this link | Translated and republished with the permission of the author and editor of The Unz Review (United States)

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