The New Zealand court guarantees the extradition of Kim Dotcom to the EU


The EU claims that Dotcom and three other Megaupload executives have cost film studios and record companies more than $ 500 million and have generated more than $ 175 million in revenue.

WELLINGTON (Reuters) –

The New Zealand Court of Appeals ruled Thursday that Internet entrepreneur and founder of Megaupload, Kim Dotcom, could be extradited to the United States to make faced with charges of fraud and violation

The court's written decision dismissed Dotcom's appeal and upheld the decision that a lower court issued in 2017 that extradition could be executed.

Lee: The founder of Megaupload questions the validity of his arrest

US authorities claim that Dotcom and three other leaders of Megaupload – also accused – have cost more than 500 million dollars to film studios and record companies and generated over $ 175 million in revenue by encouraging users to pay for storing and sharing copyrighted material.

The Dotcom lawyer said that his client will appeal the decision to the Supreme Court.

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