The OAS proposes a resolution in the midst of violence and more deaths


During an extraordinary session of the Organization of American States held on Friday, seven member countries submitted an eight-point draft resolution to the Permanent Council of the International Organization in which it strongly supports the resumption of dialogue in Nicaragua, condemns violence and human rights violations and demands that those involved in the crimes committed be held accountable even if the document does not directly mention the Nicaraguan Government.

But the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, has accused the state of Nicaragua by the increase in violence and deaths. "State violence can never be allowed, the state must protect the rights of the people and not submit them," he said.

The Secretary General of the OAS said that the worst thing that can happen in Nicaragua is to continue to die. "We have the opportunity to bring those responsible to justice, the blood has flowed in Nicaragua, the hundreds of deaths are signs that we are late," he said.

He pointed out that the route taken in Nicaragua is different from that proposed by the OAS. and fourteen months.

"From the beginning, it was to stop the violence, but the road that was taken was that of violence, that of repression.We are right: either we went to the elections, or we went to kill hundreds in Nicaragua.The draft resolution was presented by the ambassador of Argentina to the OAS, Paula Bertol and supported by Canada, Chile, the United States, Peru , Costa Rica and Colombia, it should be discussed and voted next week, but a date has not yet been set.

Similarly, the US ambassador to the OAS, Carlos Trujillo, said that "violence and intimidation The Nicaraguan people is unacceptable.

Nicaragua's Minister of Foreign Affairs Denis Moncada took advantage of the session to announce the arrest of Medardo Mairena, who was responsible for the attacks on a mayor and the deaths of four police officers. teacher, but whom the opposition considers as one of its leaders.

Mairena is part of the Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy, which since mid-May has begun a dialogue with the Nicaraguan government in order to overcome the political crisis in the country since mid-April.In addition, it is one of the representatives of the peasants who oppose the construction of the interoceanic canal and the & nic et et,,. one of the strongest voices by asking Ortega to leave power as soon as possible.

"This is an act of repression, there is no doubt, extremely dangerous because it represents a very important sector of our country in the national dialogue, "said Pablo Cu evas, Legal Adviser to the Standing Committee on Human Rights.

However, at the headquarters of the Organization of American States in Washington, the Nicaraguan Chancellor insisted that he wanted to tarnish the image of the Sandinista government.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights said this week that 264 people have been killed and 1,800 injured since protests began, but Moncada said the data was partial and not very rigorous.

"He wants to endilgar the crimes of the government that are committed by illegal groups, criminals, terrorists, with the aim of unbalancing the state and making a change of government for the collapse of the Constitutional order, "he said.

In the same line was pronounced Ortega, who appeared in a caravan of cars to Masaya, 28 kilometers southeast of the capital, to remember 39 years of the military operation "El Repliegue". The year ended with a massive act in the Monimbó district of this city, but this time it had to be done in the small police station of the city because the suburban population s & # 39; Is rebelled against the government.

And in the capital, clashes intensified Friday evening. The campus of the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua in Managua was heavily attacked by police and para-police forces with the aim of deporting students who took it for two months. The Red Cross said there were wounded, although it did not specify the number.

For his part, Bishop Silvio José Báez alerted on Twitter that armed individuals were shooting at a parish inside which there were wounded and a priest. On Saturday morning, the death of a young man injured in the head was confirmed.

The Catholic Church remained a mediator in the crisis, despite the fact that some of its highest members of the country were attacked this week by hooded people near the Ortega government in what appeared to be a reappearance repression in Nicaragua for almost three months.

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