The Peruvian economy recorded an expansion of 6.43% in May



Domestic production corresponding to May last rose by 6.43% and has accumulated 106 months of uninterrupted growth, reported the National Institute of Statistics and Statistics. computer science (INEI).

Similarly, in the January-May period, the economy grew by 4.83% and over the last 12 months (June 2017-May 2018), it has done so in 3, 55%.

INEI reported that this result was based on the positive evolution of external demand for non-traditional products (27.4%), among which stand out those of halieutic, agricultural origin , chemical and textile; also, traditional products, such as fish meal, cotton, iron, silver, zinc, gold and natural gas.

This result also contributed to the dynamism of domestic demand, as evidenced by the increase in imports of non-durable consumer goods (1.28%), retail sales (3.3%) and loans. for consumption (7.68%). Between April and May, the average growth was 7.12%.

The technical body pointed out that the growth in domestic production recorded in May is due to the favorable outcome of all productive sectors, among which is distinguished the manufacturing sector; followed by Agropecuario; Construction Transport, storage and messaging; Trade; Mines and Hydrocarbons and Fisheries


Similarly, INEI stated that in the April-May-June mobile quarter of this year, the occupied population of the metropolitan area of Lima increased by 46,900 people (1%), compared with the same quarter of 2017. Thus, the occupied population of the metropolitan Lima reached four million 859,900 people.

According to sex, 55.1% (two million 676,400) are men and 44.9% (two million 183,500) are women.

When an analysis by economic activity is used, the employed population increases in the commerce sector in 1.9% (18,900), in positions such as the sales of textiles, clothing and footwear, among others .

In services, it increased by 1.6% (44,500), with a greater demand for staff in health care, secondary education, security and public order institutions.

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