The Preparations of Saga and Ripley to Avoid Being the New Victims of Amazon | Economy | companies


With the nerves at the top, the big retailer looks with admiration and suspicion on Amazon, the global giant of e-commerce. Especially when we talk more and more about his arrival in Peru and even more to watch how he got rid of his competition in the first world.

The history of the store is known: Jeff Bezos has achieved his dream of selling books via the web expanded his catalog to almost everything that can be sold. At the same time, he became the richest man in the world.

At home, two of the largest traditional retail businesses are starting to get ready. At present, has already identified its main weaknesses .

"The biggest challenge is in the assortment, Amazon has an indisputably larger assortment," points out Gestió Francisco Iturriaga, Ripley's e-commerce manager.

On the site of Bezos, you can buy everything. With the acquisition of Superfoods and Amazon's own brands, it seems like you're starting to take a big advantage for the rest since, quietly, you can buy everything in one place.

However, Ripley and Saga deduce an opportunity in front of the range of products offered by the online retailer.

"One of the great advantages we have over an exclusive e-commerce store is the physical stores, we do a lot of internet shopping and retreats from stores," Denise adds. Labarthe, e-commerce manager of Saga Falabella. 19659008] "Plus, people have the advantage of going to make the product at the store they want or cmabiarlo by the color that you want," he observes.


The second problem, and more urgent, is of a logistical nature. Amazon offers one-click shopping, in addition to bringing the product to the door of your home, with the ability to follow to the millimeter.

In Peru one of the biggest concerns of users goes through this detail. There is a fear that the product does not arrive at the time or simply does not arrive. In addition to delays in shipping.

"E-commerce in the region has been queuing because it's engaging in complex dates to respect, we have urbanization problems, ignorance of the peaks of transit ", admits Iturriaga

. in the region, the customer requests specific dates, while Amazon offers ranges (maximum in two days, for example).

Ideas there. To solve these problems, different strategies are proposed on both fronts.

Saga relies more on retirement in the store. "The withdrawal of the store has a limit that are the hours of opening and closing, we have a driver with five lockers where users can buy products that they buy online 24 hours a day", has announced Labarthe.

Regarding the follow-up, revealed that Falabella is planning a new monitoring service to review web commands, even being able to modify them along the way.

Ripley turns the bet to the new players.

"There are many companies with several business models that allow same day delivery or express delivery, something that is above the offer that Amazon can offer, delivering products from the store in 30 minutes or an hour, or from the distribution center in a few hours, "observed Ripley's executive.

Digital Space

The digital commerce sector in Peru is only in its infancy, with sufficient growth room and space for several competitors

"It There is still room for Amazon and competition.It's the market here, where physical sales per square foot are down, while here they continue to grow, because the modernization of the chains Has not reached its peak, "said Gianfranco Polastri, general manager of Google Peru.

However, he acknowledges that the possible arrival of Amazon adds an emergency note to the digital market. A note that retailers have already heard.

"What happened in other countries, it is that Amazon caught them off guard, we observed that and the idea is to be able to correct our mistakes and deal with them, "said Saga Falabella's board of directors.

"Ripley has the weapons to compete and invests in their empowerment, we learn from what is happening in the world with the best experiences and practices because we do not want to be punished by these great internationals," said Iturriaga.

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