The President of Bayern Munich criticized Mesut's resignation: "Özil has been playing for years …" | football | bayern munich | arsenal | selection of germany | Sports


Exploded. After the Arsenal player, Mesut Özil resigned from the German team, the president of Bayern Munich, Uli Hoensss severely criticized the attacking midfielder: "I'm glad the nightmare be over ".

Hoeness did not keep anything and continued to attack the player, "his game is a piece of junk for years, the last duel that he won was before World Cup 2014. And now he's protecting himself and … I'm playing behind this picture. "These statements came on the eve of Bayern's trip to the United States

YOU CAN SEE Mezut Özil announced his resignation from the national team

"Whenever we played against him ] Arsenal we were looking for him because he was the weak point he only shines when he plays against San Marino, his 35 million "fans", who do not exist in the real world, play remarkably when he hits a cross ball, expressed

For Hoeness instead of evolving, the football of the German national team declined with growth, " the evolution in our country is a disaster, we must reduce it to what it is: sport. And indeed, Ózil has not brought anything to the national team for years. "

It must be remembered that the English midfielder from Arsenal resigned from the German national team via his Twitter account, after uploading a photo contr with the Turkish leader.

" J & I have two hearts, a German and a Turkish. I was born and I studied at Germany . Why are there people who still do not accept that I am German? ", Ask for the flyer in his personal account.

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