The price of the gas balloon would increase to S / 1 this week


Another pain for housewives. Yesterday, Osinergmin reference prices, which are updated weekly, have indicated that for this week the price of gasoline is increasing by 10 cents a kilo compared to last week.

The liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) packaging used for the home was valued at S / 1.84 last week, for the current week will be S / 1.94

This differential of S / 0,10 not that would mean a lot if it was not because the weight of a LPG balloon is 10 kg, so the total increase would be up to S / 1, which in the most humble households represents not bringing five loaves of bread to the table.

specify that the retail price follows a chain that starts with the reference prices, that the wholesalers take almost in a similar value and integrate the taxes.

Then comes the marketing chain (which covers transportation) that includes packagers and traders, who also incorporate their trade margins.

According to the latest routes made by The Republic the price of the LPG balloon is S / 35 in Lima and Callao

However, according to the request of Facilito del Osinergmin, the price of the gas balloon may to be found from S / 25 to S / 46.

Osinergmin reports that reference prices move due to international variations in oil and the LPG market in the United States

support for overcrowding [19659010] According to Luis Espinoza, former Deputy Minister of Energy For the price of LPG to decrease, there must be real support for the only energy industry that is its direct competition, c & # 39; that is, for natural gas.

He explains that Per ú Stop being deficient in GPL and no longer import to cover part of your claim.

"Today, we import some of the LPG that we consume because Camisea does not produce all our demand, so the way is to put more natural gas. "Import," warned the expert in energy regulation

carbide on the rise

Yesterday also updated the reference prices of liquid fuels recording an increase of S / 0.15 per gallon [19659002] In this way, gasool 84 and 90 octane are increased by S / 0.15 per gallon compared to last week.

While in the case of gasohol 95 the increase is S / 0.10 and in the octane 97 is S / 0.07.


  • According to Luis Espinoza, the state subsidy should be for natural gas networks and not to LPG through UNICEF
  • In the last year, Peru imported $ 2,578 million worth of oil, which finally benefited other economies

Oil production fell by 29% in June

  • Hydrocarbons (SPH) reported that in June oil production fell by 20% compared to May 2018, from 52,000 barrels per day (BPD) to 41,000 BPD, the lowest figure so far this year, according to Perupetro reports.
  • This decrease is explained by the temporary closure of Lot 192 (Loreto) due to problems with the NorPanano Pipeline. In May, the production of this deposit was 10,409 BPD. Its production in July is zero barrel.
  • Among the companies with the highest production in June were: CNPC with lot X (Piura) and 13,501 BPD followed by Savia with lot Z-2B with 8,092 BPD. The monthly contribution of the production gun of these two lots amounted to a little more than 10 million US dollars

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