The protocol that Donald Trump must respect in his meeting with Queen Elizabeth II | Trade | World | Europe


London. Despite his reputation for non-traditional behavior, US President Donald Trump will have to abide by the rules and abide by a strict protocol at his next meeting with the Queen of England, Isabel II [19659002DonaldTrump and First Lady Melania Trump have tea with the monarch at Windsor Castle. The fact that the 92-year-old Queen is one of the most admired women in the world, and the awesome circumstance of being in a castle, will likely temper the iconoclastic impulses of the president, say the experts.

Rule number one: No expression of affection towards the queen such as kisses or cuddles.

Moreover, Trump must wait for the queen to reach out to her, and only then can she shake him gently and continue the conversation. And it's the same thing with Mrs. Trump .

Neither the President nor the First Lady will have to bow to Queen Elizabeth II said Hugo Vickers, author of several books on British royalty.

"This is not mandatory for a head of state or for the wife of a head of state," commented Vickers. " Trump should not try to kiss him, and I can not imagine will do."

Vickers predicted that everything will go well in the visit, despite the many controversies surrounding Trump . He opined that the Queen probably has his opinions on the President, but will not express them, because he only does so with his next of kin.

Trump in addition, must abide by the protocol on how to address the Queen . You should call it "Your Majesty" the first time and "Madame" go away.

However, the rules are sometimes not respected. The Queen did not seem upset when South African President Nelson Mandela called her "Elizabeth", or when Michelle Obama grabbed her shoulder briefly.

The Queen is known not to be discouraged in the most unexpected circumstances. She has never been angry in public and the only time she looks jubilant is when one of her horses wins a race.

For example, she did not flinch when in 1991, due to a planning slip, her hat was barely seen when she made a speech in Washington accompanied by President George HW Bush. It turns out that the podium had been adjusted for the high chair and had not changed for the smaller monarch.

A queen does not like to reveal her dress, so we expect Mrs Trump to dress in a rather modest dress. The president will have to be in suit and tie.

There are certain traditions that are more obligatory: you do not turn your back on the queen and do not take a picture of it. But there is no more "good" way to hold the cup of tea.

The event will be a little more laid back than an official banquet or lunch, warned Joe Little, editor of Majesty magazine.

However, a tip for strengths: If you do not like dogs, act as if you did, at least for an hour.

Source: AP

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