The PSG offers 270 million by Philippe Coutinho


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Neymar is called to several European clubs, including Real Madrid . Therefore, Nasser Al Khelaïfi the owner of the PSG wants to please the Brazilian so that his stay stays in France. The Qatari magnate offered 270 million euros to sign Philippe Coutinho.

Like last season, when PSG snatched Barcelona from Neymar (222 million euros for its exit clause), this time they think they're doing the same thing with one of his figures; Philippe Coutinho.

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He has 270 million that he has thrown PSG to the representative of Philippe Coutinho . The agreement is direct with the agent and not with Barcelona who owns his pass.

According to Mundo Deportivo, Nasser Al-Khelaïfi did not call the offices of Barcelona and contacted only one of the middle agents Brazilian field. If the operation succeeds, the Catalan table will issue the document with the figures of the exit clause of Coutinho : 400 million euros. As recalled, Philippe Coutinho rejected the offers of PSG and Real Madrid to anchor in Barcelona, ​​signing up in June 2023, gave up playing the League Champions this season.

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Philippe Coutinho was one of the players who gave the time to Brazil where they could only reach the last quarter, losing with the surprising Belgium.

Philippe Coutinho of 26 years, came out of Vasco Da Gama in 2010 to anchor himself in the [ Inter Milan . After an ephemeral pass in the Espanyol arrived at Liverpool.

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