The Return of Sleeping Beauty


With more than fifty dancers, the ballet returns to the Municipal Theater Sleeping Beauty . So that the neighbors can appreciate this beautiful work, the management of the culture of the municipality of Lima and the municipal ballet, with the program "Vamos al teatro", today, Thursday, the dance piece will be completely free. The function is at 19:30. We must remember that the theater has a capacity of 700 people. The work is suitable for children over 8.

The story tells that a beautiful princess will fall asleep for 100 years – under the spell of an evil fairy – until That a brave prince finds her and with a kiss of love awakens from this deep sleep.

The history of The Sleeping Beauty so many times told over the generations, has become one of the favorite fairy tales of both boys and adults.

The work is based on The Sleeping Beauty of the Forest, by the English author Charles Perrault, taken to ballet by the famous Russian composer Piotr Tchaikovsky, whose music, according to the specialists, is considered by many to be the greatest and most perfect of his compositions. On this occasion, he had Marius Petipa as an initial choreographer and premiered in 1890 at the Mariinsky Grand Theater in St. Petersburg.

our ballet

At the launch of the Municipal Ballet, the role of Princess Aurora will be shared by the dancers Luciana Cárdenas, Oriana Plaza and Viviana Gutiérrez, who will also alternate the character of Fairy Carabosse with Marita Casafranca. For his part, Rodrigo Blanco, Román González-Pardo and Brian Gómez will play Prince Desiré.

This work is reconstituted after three years by the Municipal Ballet directed by Lucy Telge. The more than 50 dancers will represent this magical story full of color and mystery that the audience will enjoy from start to finish.

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