The snowfall of the Uyuni Salar does not paralyze Alban's challenge | Extra


Alban Tessier does not have any obstacles. Yesterday it snowed in the Uyuni Salar and it was not an obstacle for the Frenchman, who wants to go through the giant white mirror before losing his sight completely. The adventurer had slight foot injuries and is expected to finish his trip on Monday.
Visibility was almost zero in the Uyuni salar. Yesterday morning, Alban started walking at ten degrees below zero and with an intense snowstorm. The French spent the night in a tent in the middle of the field and at noon was treated by a doctor for a slight injury to one of his feet. No gravity was found and he continued his step.

Róger Salazar is the guide that accompanies Tessier. The expert commented that the Tessier GPS system has suffered damage due to the weather. For this reason, he accompanied her very closely.

A whole team walks with Alban. At the medical assistance, the expert guide and the people who are devoted to the food. A vehicle escorts the walker.

Tessier estimated to finish his trip on Monday and will return to La Paz a day later. These days will be difficult because it is estimated that the snow continues to fall in the salt. / IPT

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