The Stonewall Inn window was broken with a baseball bat this weekend


The most important place in the United States – and probably the world – that is related to the LGBTQ movement was attacked over the weekend. A teenager smashed the window of Stonewall Inn with a bat, damaging his historic neon sign. A suspect has been arrested, but he will not face hate crime charges because anti-gay opinions would not have played a role in the attack.

Authorities say the 19-year-old bartender was kicked out by the bartender and broke the window in response at around 4:30 on Saturday. He was hanging out at the bar with colleagues when the altercation with the bouncer broke out. The New York Daily News reports that he was charged with criminal mischief and reckless endangerment.

The bar was the scene of a police raid in June 1969 that turned into a riot and protest for LGBTQ rights, the Stonewall riots. The police regularly attacked the gay establishments at the time, but this time the customers fought back. It is credited as the cradle of the modern gay rights movement.

In 2016, President Obama recognized the importance of the bar and designated a new national monument around the site. This was the first site of the national park system connected to the LGBTQ community. "They stood up and spoke," Obama said, pointing to the site. "The riots have become manifestations, the demonstrations have become a movement and the movement has finally become an integral part of America."

Spencer Platt / Getty Images News / Getty Images

The previous year in 2015, he received Landmark status by New York City. "There are few places that can be cited as the cradle of a global movement," Councilor Corey Johnson, a Democrat representing the area around Stonewall. "Such a place is the Stonewall Inn."

As for the broken window, The boy's mother spoke to The Daily News for his defense, saying that his son, William Gomez, had told him that a bodyguard was in playing with one of his colleagues and that he had told him to stop. "He then thought the conversation was over but at one point he was hit in the face," the mother told the newspaper "It's a quiet boy … It's no problem. " The Daily News reported that last year he had been arrested for assault, in 2015 for criminal identity theft and in 2014 for robbery

. This was not the story shared by the bartender. Salvador Bobadilla, 44, said The Daily News that he was escorting a client when he had become hostile. "I told him" You have to leave, "Bobadilla told the newspaper on Sunday. "I could not hold him because he was naked and he kept slipping." Drew Angerer / News Getty Images / Getty Images

Then, Bobadilla said, Gomez came to the defense of his friend and also reportedly was violent.

"Another guy came out of nowhere," says the bouncer to the newspaper. Suddenly he was trying to beat me. He was choking me. I had to defend myself. You know, my job is hard enough. So I took care of him. "

Bobadilla insisted that his background in martial arts prevented him from further injury." It could have gone wrong for me, "said the bodyguard. Fortunately, they are two little punks. "

The suspect, Gomez, was released Saturday after his appearance in Manhattan Criminal Court, but he did not comment on his exit from the court.

Window and Bar Sign were set at the time the establishment opened Saturday afternoon

The waterhole has remained open since the six days of violent clashes with law enforcement and demonstrations who marked the Stonewall riots in 1969. Saturday was no different.

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