The story of the Filipina girl who lives on the street and does her homework in the rain


The video of a Filipina girl doing her homework in the street under a constant rain, began to viralize quickly. The youngest, named Lorensalie Elaine Dolfo, is barely 8 years old and is in this situation because her father lost his job after falling ill.

The baby literally lives in the streets of ] Manila . In the images that have been known in the last hours, she is seen covering herself with a blanket while she has in front of her a notebook of tasks. With her are his mother Ellen, 40, and her sister Alexandra, of only four, who are seen sleeping.

The father, named Jerry, is a tricycle taxi driver, but he got sick and did not have it to continue with this job. For this reason, in the absence of income, the family was evicted from their rented house a few days before the video broadcast.

Despite the difficulties that she is going through, Dolfo is determined to finish school at school. Aurora Quezon from Manila whom she frequents. "I want to finish my homework and succeed at school so that I can have a good job and take care of myself and my family, I need to finish the job for the teacher" ; The protagonist of this story told the man who captured the images and came to talk to him, according to the site .

The person who registered it said: "It's something that I will show you to my children, they remember how important it is to take the school seriously, all the time. world should remember of luck that they have a good education ". He added:" Little Elaine will succeed in life, I am sure she is very determined and very bright, she lost her house and has no comfortable place, but still she did her homework first . It's very inspiring. "


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