The storytelling moment of the maid, while her mother and daughter wondered about different last names at the US airport


A mother claims to have been "interrogated" by a border guard at an American airport – because she does not share the same last name as her daughter.

Sylvia Acosta and her teenage daughter, Sybonae Castillo, were arrested at the Dallas Fort Worth Airport after returning from a trip to Europe on Sunday.

In a scenario drawn from a dystopian novel, Dr. Acosta was questioned by customs officers who asked him why mother and child had different names on their passports.

When writing to Facebook, Dr. Acosta said, "I was asked if Sybonae was my daughter and I answered" yes ", then they asked me why, if she was my daughter, I did not have the same last name.

Mother and daughter were returning from a trip to Europe

Sylvia, who is the executive director of the Young Women's Association Christian, added that she was a personal decision to keep her maiden name because she was celebrating her professional achievements and felt absolutely offended by the responses of the customs officers.

"I told them that I had already established my career and got my Ph.D. with my Acosta surname after telling Sylvia that she had to" change her name "to reflect the fact that She was actually the mother of her daughter, she became enraged

. I told them that they perpetuated an institutionalized and misogynistic system that required that a woman take her husband's name, I am furious. said Dr. Acosta

The post – which refers to the incident as a "Moment of the maid" – was loved by more than 35K and shared by more than 16K with comments of women's support from whole world. The Facebook user wrote, "You should be furious, and if it had been adopted or you have remarried, I also did not take my husband's name and that's why." When I am implicated that I am less woman not to change my name!

Another user added, "It's horrible! There are many scenarios where mothers and kids do not have the same last name. It's ridiculous!" I do not I was not expecting my message to become viral, "said Sylvia about the public response.

The US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) said the video of the meeting" In response to the Sylvia's complaint, they quote William Wilberforce's 2008 law on the re-authorization of victims of human trafficking, which imposes restrictions on travel that does not comply with the law.

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The incident occurred at the airport. Dallas Fort Worth Airport, Texas
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