The Tarumba opened its doors: images of its new and fantastic show | PICTURES Trade | Lights | Theater


" Illusion ", the new proposal of The Tarumba created with a function dedicated to children, as part of the social responsibility work that they carry out each year. 19659002] The first part of the 2018 season brought together more than 700 children from the Educational Institution 6066 Villa El Salvador and the Educational Institution 7072 San Martín de Porres in the district of Villa El Salvador.

"The vast majority of these children have never attended the circus and it is a great satisfaction for us to share the scoop with them, we love the joy and energy that They transmit to us, "said Geraldine Sakuda, educational director of The Tarumba . tells the adventures that Max, a 7 year old boy, experiences when he arrives at the circus and, from his grandfather's hand, he embarks on a journey full of emotions that will lead him to pursue his dreams.

slow national and international artists, Tarumba will touch our hearts awakening our dreams.

" Illusion " runs from July 3 to September 23 at Plaza Lima Shopping Center Sur – Chorrillos

Aerial acrobatics, balance, juggling, hoops and scarves are as some of the numbers offered by the show, performed by more than 30 performers on stage.

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