The tournament in danger? |


The revival of the Apertura Tournament is scheduled for this Friday with the duel between Sport Boys and UTC, however, everything was suspended after there was a threat that the clubs decided not to play until the end of the day. members of the Licensing Commission (CL) resign, after some resolutions that consider controversial.

The club that runs this protest is the University, since on Thursday of last week, the CL decided that the institution enters a special sports regime, due to the constant defaults in the payments Taxes, the refinancing maintained with the FPF and the current increasing debt. They note that "there is no balance in their monthly expenses."

It should be recalled that in a report on the economic status of & # 39; U 'published by The Republic last May, the deficit of the club the first three months of 2018 are nearly two million soles. The idea of ​​this scheme is that the club can pay this current liability (of nearly 30 million soles) in five years, being the club with the worst fulfillment of the tournament's economic obligations (57%). the University directive refused to enter this scheme even though it opened the door for them to hire this season, although they would be supervised as there would be members external to the current club administration to see the economic and marketing issue and a trust was going to be created. After rejecting this option, the Licensing Commission decided to reverse its decision.

"The only way is that he has not paid wages for three months in the year.We already have a plan, but we can not allow them to enter in the club's administration, "said Carlos Moreno, current administrator of the merengue box, which has requested the departure of all members of the Licensing Committee, said Carlos Univazo a few days ago. Director of Communications went further.

"There are up to eight clubs that talk about this possibility (suspend the tournament) .With this number of votes against it is impossible to take it back, it is a legitimate attitude. "It was the" U ", later he can touch the rest." The conditions of the commission are abusive, making the clubs' survival unachievable. "

What does it say? ; ADFP?

However, after consulting the sources of the ADFP, they deny that the resumption of the tournament is in danger, although he has asked that the members resign. "We demand the dismissal of the members of the Licensing and Management Committee, aggravated by the fact that they violate the provisions of Article 14 of the license regulation, as their members do not respect the total privacy statement. in the procedures that they lead, questioning, through the media, the economic movements of the clubs, "they said.

Meanwhile, the FPF continues to analyze the case, since the licensing system it seems that the clubs have a better economic order and also have adequate infrastructure to improve the Peruvian football although they themselves are against these rules. Meanwhile, the weekend will come rolling the ball although the problems are not lacking. This match is not over.

From Las Casas: "We Make Our Positions Available"

  • Gonzalo de las Casas, Chairman of the Licensing Commission, said that they thought about leaving their posts. "We make our expenses available, there is no vocation for permanence, I think that this system should continue on the margins of people.We are here in good faith and try to support.We do not share the criteria of the Association that this system has not generated any progress in the development of football.It is part of a strategic plan to have a licensing system, FIFA considered it as one of the fundamental aspects of football development in Peru, "he said.

On the case of "U", they pointed out that I was looking for the club to just worry about handling the football problem.

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