The trial of Beate Zschäpe, the "Nazi girlfriend" who terrorized Germany comes to an end | Trade | World | Europe


Berlin. The lawsuit in Germany against the alleged neo-Nazi terrorist Beate Zschäpe and the National Socialist Clandestine Cell (NSU), which shocked the country for the murder of nine immigrants and d & # 39; a police force, but also for the impunity with which he acted, concludes Wednesday after more than five years.

In his last speech to the Territorial Court of Munich (southern Germany) last Tuesday, the main defendant stated that the right-wing ideology "does not mean anything" for her and stated that & ### She neither wanted nor participated in the murders, of which she accuses her two companions, Uwe Böhnhardt and Uwe Mundlos.

The 43-year-old woman, baptized by the German media as the "Nazi bride", is considered the only survivor of the NSU, whose existence was discovered in November 2011 following the death of Böhnhardt and Mundlos, who committed suicide in a van to be cornered by police after Beate Zschäpe returned two days after detonating the house he shared with Bönhardt and Mundlos in Zwickau ( east of the country), where the police seized a lot of incriminating evidence.

Last Tuesday, it was the second time that Zschäpe spoke in the 437 views since the beginning of the process, on May 6, 2013, to refocus on the far right , as he had already done in December 2015.

The so-called terrorist then broke two and a half years of silence, in which he had maintained an attitude of defiance, apologize and denied any connection with the murders of nine small traders – eight Turks and a Greek – and As he said then, his emotional dependence on Böhnhardt and Mundlos prevented him from denouncing them or dissociating them from them.

. The trial and error were marked by interruptions, mutual rejection between the main defendant and his supporters and the appearance of a false victim.

To this is added a shameful incident that resulted in the reopening of several cases of murdered children never being rinsed, after traces of clothes worn by a child dead fifteen years earlier appeared traces of Böhnhardt's DNA, a result, as we later determined, from the contamination of the evidence

. who sit on the bench Zschäpe and four others accused of complicity with the NSU, is at the same time a kind of lawsuit against the inefficiency, lassitude and even the concealment of the security forces against the 39, far right

The chain of blatant errors that allowed the cell to act for thirteen years with complete impunity despite not being absolute aliens to the police and the destruction of the iberada of Police files related to the group already with Zschäpe in prison have led to several resignations and a restructuring in the intelligence services.

For all these years, security forces have never investigated a possible neo-Nazi plot and attributed the murders to account adjustments among immigrants.

The press came to call the term "döner murders", in reference to the fast food establishment that sells this specialty and which are usually run by citizens of Turkish origin, refer to the nine deadly attacks before the authors of the same are known.

"Murder of the Döner" was chosen "Palabra" of the year 2011 in Germany by a jury of linguists from the Technical University of Darmstad, after having known that the actions had been committed by a neo-Nazi terrorist cell.

The jury of experts pointed out that the phrase It raises the chain of crimes and assumes "the label objectively inappropriate, folk and stereotyped".

The prosecution estimates that between 1998 and 2011, the NSU perpetrated ten murders, three bombings that left 32 wounded and 15 robberies

She seeks a life sentence for Zschäpe, which She considers a co-author of these crimes

Meanwhile, the two defense teams maintain the innocence of their client with respect to the murders and attacks

. ] For the trial, initially 80 views had been scheduled, until January 2014.

The indictment is contained in 488 pages and the procedural minutes total a thousand files, with about 500,000 pages.

During these more than five years and a half of trials, 540 witnesses were summoned, 263 requests for evidence were received and the private prosecution, with 58 lawyers, represented 91 complainants.

Source: EFE

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