The TSE will analyze the requirements for a future recall


The low efficiency and minimal compliance with subnational recall requests open the debate on the need to review the requirements for authorization of the process. Of the 237 requests that were made in February 2018, only one was implemented to conduct the recall, the municipality of Bolpebra, Pando.

"The requirements could not be met, it deserves an evaluation of the terms of the conditions with which guarantees or not the exercise of this right," said the vice-president of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), José Luis Exeni.

According to the standard, the recall process begins with the stage of the application for authorization. for the printing of books, collection of signatures and verification of signatures and fingerprints of persons by the respective county court. "There are several causes in the process (…) You see, to form a political organization, they are asked 1.5% of the register in 180 days, for the recall, they are requested 30 percent in 90 days. He said that several citizen initiatives were on the way because they did not meet formal requirements such as identity accreditation, registration in the sector register, the organization. who conducts

"It is necessary to evaluate the requirements established in the Constitution, in the law, in the regulations of the" EST ", to see how far the exercise of this political right is made feasible or difficult, which requires technical analysis In 2012, not one, and only one, flourished this year. "


1 of the 250 applications are in force

The Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) has received more than 250 requests for revocation of the warrant from those who were authorized 167 and only one is in course, that of Bolpebra, Department of Pando, scheduled for next November.

Applications began on December 14, 2017 and ended on Monday, February 5, 2018 at midnight

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