The UN warns that it "lacks money" in urgent appeal to members


United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says UN lacks money and urges members to deal with imminent financial crisis for the organization international.

Last week, as seen by Fox News, Guterres said he warned member states of a "troubling financial situation facing the United Nations," which he says is caused by the late payment by the Member States to the UN

. We are short of money and we stay in the red longer, "he says.

"Our cash flow has never been so low at the beginning of the calendar year.

– UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres

Guterres went on to say that the organization will take steps to reduce costs, in a way that will not affect their mission. it will also propose to states various steps to strengthen financial stability in the United States

Threats of the Trump administration to reduce funding do not seem to be directly related to the financial crisis.

While the administration is closely monitoring its payments to various UN funds and agencies, the United States has not yet reduced or delayed their payments to the budget, although it 's not enough. Due to the beginning of the US fiscal year, payments usually come later. l & # 39; year.

Secretary-General Stéphane Dujarric told reporters on Thursday that the issue was "late payments and payments not yet received in the regular budget."

"Delays in payments obviously affect our liquidity, which could impact our ability to deliver money orders," he said.

However, Hugh Dugan, a former US diplomat in the United States – United, said that other countries could imitate what is perceived as the withdrawal of the United States from their commitments in the field of diplomacy and international relations.

"A look at on record shows that Trump has continued to fund him at historical levels, has chosen to punish North Korea, and uses it as a platform to defend Israel. However, there is a wide misperception fueled by Trump's detractors and the militant media that his administration has left the UN, "said Dugan, who is also a professor at the School of Diplomacy and International Relations. of Seton Hall University

. Other countries mimic the United States, and what they hear has led them to slow down their support and to check the writing, "he said.

Earlier this year, the United States refused to fund the United States Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA).


The call of Guterres to spit money, meanwhile, imitates the pressure of the Trump L & # The administration has put countries both at the UN and NATO to fulfill their commitments.

Tuesday, the US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley urged the Arab states to provide more funds to Palestinians. "The Americans are very generous people, we are humanitarian and we continue to look for ways to help the Palestinian people, whose situation really concerns us," she said.

"But we If we reach out in friendship and generosity, we do not expect our hand to be bitten, and while we extend our hand, we also expect others to extend the hand. theirs too. "

Adam Shaw is a journalist covering American and European politics for Fox News. He can be reached here.

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